[Haskell-cafe] Request for feedback: Understanding Haskell Monads

Colin Paul Adams colin at colina.demon.co.uk
Sat Dec 27 03:15:53 EST 2008

>>>>> "Ertugrul" == Ertugrul Soeylemez <es at ertes.de> writes:

    Ertugrul> Hello fellow Haskellers, In the last few weeks I have
    Ertugrul> written a comprehensive tutorial about Haskell monads
    Ertugrul> [1], and I was hoping to get some constructive feedback.
    Ertugrul> I'd appreciate any well meant criticism.

    Ertugrul> [1] http://ertes.de/articles/monads.html

Speaker as a more-or-less beginner, this is excellent. 
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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