[Haskell-cafe] Timing difference
bradypus at xs4all.nl
Thu Dec 25 03:45:33 EST 2008
Programming for Rosetta Codes task
http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Probabilistic_Choice I observed a
remarkable (that's to say: for me) difference in timing using lambda
function in the one case and point free in the other. Timing was
measured in GHCi. Compiled there's no difference!
Using lambda
labels = ["aleph", "beth", "gimel", "daleth", "he", "waw",
"zayin", "heth" ]
piv n = take n . flip (++) (repeat ' ')
main = do
g <- newStdGen
let rs :: [Float]
rs = take 1000000 $ randomRs(0,1) g
ps, sps :: [Float]
ps = ap (++) (return. (-) 1 .sum) $ map recip [5.0..11.0]
sps = scanl1 (+) ps
ix = map ((/1000000.0).fromIntegral.length). group.sort
$ map (\x -> fromJust $ findIndex not $ map (x>) sps) rs
mapM_ (\(l,s,c)-> putStrLn $ (piv 6 l) ++ " " ++ (piv 12 $ show $ s)
++ " "
++ ((piv 12 $ show $ c) )) $ zip3 labels ps ix
Using point free
$ map (\x -> fromJust $ findIndex not $ map (x>) sps) rs
$ map (fromJust. findIndex not. flip map sps. (>)) rs
*Main> main
(18.24 secs, 2524489600 bytes)
point free:
*Main> main
(12.15 secs, 2470893260 bytes)
Should I program using point free as much as possible? :-)
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