[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] ANN: HLint 1.0
Claus Reinke
claus.reinke at talk21.com
Tue Dec 23 17:02:34 EST 2008
>>> Well, sort of. Ok, we can parse that. Let's assume a variable x holds
>>> the output of :show modules as a String. We call lines on it, then map
>>> words on it, do a !! 2 on it, and we get ["Util.hs,", "Recorder.hs,",
>>> "Game.hs,", "Monadius.hs,", "Demo.hs,"]. Chuck in a map (filter (\=
>>> ',')), and we get a good list. We can turn the list into a string
>>> suitable for hlint with a quick unwords.
>>> So our long sought after command becomes ':def hoogle (\_ -> return $
>>> ":! " ++ (unwords $ map (filter (\= ',')) $ (map words $ lines x) !!
>>> 2))'. But wait, how do we get 'x'? How do we call :show modules inside
>>> a Haskell expression?
>> The first url includes a link to a .ghci mini-tutorial (section 4) that,
>> among other things, implements
>> :redir <var> <cmd> -- execute <cmd>, redirecting stdout to <var>
> Perhaps my cold has fogged my head too much, but I'm not sure how
> :redir would help. I could do :redir var "hlint .", but that's as
> unsatisfactory as :! "hlint ."
You were asking about getting the output of ':show modules' into a
variable 'x', so that you can process it further. ':redir x :show modules'
should do just that. There is another example command for implementing
':edit' this way (by now a native ghci command).
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