[Haskell-cafe] A hell of a question

Andrzej Jaworski himself at poczta.nom.pl
Sun Dec 21 20:03:40 EST 2008

I just want to say Hello to let you know that there are some serious entities watching you besides
monads and FBI:-)

There has been a hell of a discussion recently about logos, languages and religion and I want to add
to this.

First let me disassociate Haskell from Taoism which to may taste has left us in an unhealthy climate.
It suffices to say that Taoism is a school of clever trics and cute aphorisms but without the
slightest attempt to explain or generalize let alone produce an abstract idea or a system. That is
why its wisdom is non transferable in spite of majority of humans desending from it. Haskell on the
contrary is a minority school that implements abstract ideas for problem solving in the most
transferable way to date, so that other languages look into it for their share. But don't worry,
thay will choke becouse it is them who practice Taoizm. Playing too many tricks will eventually
trick them, even if some are powerful enough to brainwash dicent professors to preach
interoperability or the like. Every viable complexity needs a single underlying concept to survive,
including you and the universe. Microsoft and the like excluding;-)
Haskell has all that: consistency, transparency and self-contained concept.

However Haskell is also somehow asynchronic with the Bible as it is condemned to perpetual purity
only to be saved from it via monads, which according to Spinoza "are arranged by God in a perfect
order which ascends to God, the supreme monad!!!". Thus we can look at Haskell's purity as a kind of
harmless attempt to play God by means of incapsulating the world only to ignor it. This could
somehow put it in the same boat with the devil. They both prefer your brain to Turing machin:-)

I would leave with the eternal question "what the hell Haskell is?" and with my Santa Close
emphasising Haskell's purity and my simplicity.
Here: http://haskell.org/sitewiki/images/7/79/WCF.Andrzej.Jaworski.gif

    Have fun,
-Andrzej Jaworski

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