[Haskell-cafe] understanding enumerator/iteratee

Artyom Shalkhakov artyom.shalkhakov at gmail.com
Sun Dec 21 00:35:53 EST 2008

Hi Jason,

2008/12/20 Jason Dusek <jason.dusek at gmail.com>:
>  So, it looks Iteratee takes a "step" on the resource --
>  whatever it is -- and Enumerator manages the resource and
>  sequences the steps of the Iteratee. The Enumerator, then,
>  defines our way of managing a particular resource -- how to
>  take a step, how to close it, &c. -- while the Iteratee
>  describes a computation that computes an output and also tells
>  us when to free the resource.

Yes, I believe you are correct.

>  Is that a correct interpretation? I find the material on
>  Enumerator and Iterator to be vague (or at least not very
>  concrete).

Have you read Oleg's DEFUN'08 talk notes? [1] Having
read them more than once, I find them comprehensible. :)

Artyom Shalkhakov.

[1] <http://okmij.org/ftp/Haskell/Iteratee/DEFUN08-talk-notes.pdf>

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