[Haskell-cafe] forkIO on multicore
Paul Keir
pkeir at dcs.gla.ac.uk
Fri Dec 19 11:27:52 EST 2008
Hi all,
I'm seeing no performance increase with a simple coarse-grained
2-thread code using Control.Concurrent. I compile with:
> hc conc.hs -o conc --make -threaded
and I run with
> time ./conc +RTS -N2
But using either "-N1" or "-N2", the program runs in about 1.8secs.
(I'd prefer a longer running thread task, but my fib function
currently runs out of memory).
Anyway, my program is below, and I'm using GHC version 6.8.2 on
a 2-core Pentium D. Can anyone help?
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent
fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
heavytask m = putMVar m (fibs !! 100000)
main = do ms <- sequence $ replicate 2 newEmptyMVar
mapM_ (forkIO . heavytask) $ tail ms
heavytask $ head ms
ms' <- mapM takeMVar ms
mapM_ print ms'
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