[Haskell-cafe] wlan library

Cetin Sert cetin.sert at gmail.com
Fri Dec 12 21:38:09 EST 2008

Hi *^o^*,

I am writing a network manager <http://sert.homedns.org/hnm/> as a
replacement for some broken, already existing knetworkmanager for a friend's

I was looking for some haskell libraries that provide access to wlan cards
but could not find any on hackage. Maybe I missed something. Currently my
tool is using linux the commands: modprobe, ifconfig, iwconfig, iwlist,
dhclient etc.. Can a library calling external stand-alone linux commands be
considered good enough as is? Or should one definitely write a wrapper
around a more low-level, stable, POSIX-compliant foreign library to access
and configure, control WLAN cards? I'd love to hear your comments.

Best Regards,
Cetin Sert
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