[Haskell-cafe] Overlapping instances

Tobias Bexelius tobias.bexelius at avalanchestudios.se
Mon Dec 8 07:43:02 EST 2008

The problem is that Engine *could* be made an instance of Show (remember
that any user of the module can create that instance later).
What you need is the overlappinginstances extension:

{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}

With this extension, the most specific instance will be used, i.e.
"instance TShow Engine" for Enginge's, no matter if it is an instance of



From: haskell-cafe-bounces at haskell.org
[mailto:haskell-cafe-bounces at haskell.org] On Behalf Of John Ky
Sent: den 8 december 2008 13:32
To: Haskell Cafe
Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Overlapping instances


I've got the following code which tries to implement a TShow class,
which is equivalent to Show, except it is supposed to work on TVar types
as well.

import GHC.Conc

createEngine :: String -> Int -> Int -> IO Engine
createEngine name major minor = do
   tUsers <- newTVarIO []
   return $ Engine
      { engineName = name
      , version = EngineVersion
         { major = major
         , minor = minor
      , users = tUsers

class TShow a where
   tshow :: a -> IO String

instance Show (TVar a) where
   show a = "%"

instance (Show a) => TShow a where
   tshow a = return $ show a

instance (Show a) => TShow (TVar a) where
   tshow ta = do
      a <- atomically (readTVar ta)
      return $ show a

data User = User
   { userName :: String
   deriving Show

data EngineVersion = EngineVersion
   { major :: Int
   , minor :: Int
   deriving Show

data Engine = Engine
   { engineName :: String
   , version :: EngineVersion
   , users :: TVar [User]

instance TShow Engine where
   tshow a = do
      users <- atomically (readTVar (users a))
      return $
         "Engine { " ++
         "engineName = " ++ show (engineName a) ++ ", " ++
         "version = " ++ show (version a) ++ ", " ++
         "users = %" ++ show users ++ " }"

When I run it however, I get this:

*Main> te <- createEngine "Hello" 1 2
*Main> s <- tshow te

    Overlapping instances for TShow Engine
      arising from a use of `tshow' at <interactive>:1:5-12
    Matching instances:
      instance (Show a) => TShow a -- Defined at
      instance TShow Engine -- Defined at fxmain.hs:(51,0)-(58,41)
    In a stmt of a 'do' expression: s <- tshow te

I'm not seeing how instance (Show a) => TShow a in the above error
message is applicable here since Engine is not an instance of Show.  Why
is it complaining?



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