[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: pointless-haskell 0.0.1

Hugo Pacheco hpacheco at gmail.com
Sat Dec 6 13:52:23 EST 2008

Dear Haskelleers,
Alcino Cunha and me are pleased to announce the release of the Pointless
Haskell library in Hackage:

Pointless Haskell is library for point-free programming with recursion
patterns defined as hylomorphisms, inspired in ideas from the PolyP library.
The re-implementation of the library using type functions (in opposition to
classes with functional dependencies) enables a type-level view of data
types as the fixed points of functors and  provides a better experience to
the users in terms of code sanity.
The library also features the visualization of the intermediate data
structure of hylomorphisms with GHood.

I am giving birth to a website with some examples:

Any feedback is welcome.


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