[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level <-
Adrian Hey
ahey at iee.org
Sun Aug 31 08:34:46 EDT 2008
Dan Doel wrote:
> Here's a first pass:
> -- snip --
> {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
> module Unique where
> import Control.Monad.Reader
> import Control.Monad.Trans
> import Control.Concurrent.MVar
> -- Give Uniques a phantom region parameter, so that you can't accidentally
> -- compare Uniques from two different uniqueness sources.
> newtype Unique r = Unique Integer deriving Eq
> newtype U r a = U { unU :: ReaderT (MVar Integer) IO a }
> deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadIO)
> -- Higher rank type for region consistency
> runU :: (forall r. U r a) -> IO a
> runU m = newMVar 0 >>= runReaderT (unU m)
> newUnique :: U r (Unique r)
> newUnique = U (do source <- ask
> val <- lift $ takeMVar source
> let next = val + 1
> lift $ putMVar source next
> return $ Unique next)
> -- hashUnique omitted
> -- snip --
> It's possible that multiple unique sources can exist in a program with this
> implementation, but because of the region parameter, the fact that a Unique
> may not be "globally" unique shouldn't be a problem. If your whole program
> needs arbitrary access to unique values, then I suppose something like:
> main = runU realMain
> realMain :: U r ()
> realMain = ...
> is in order.
> Insert standard complaints about this implementation requiring liftIO all over
> the place if you actually want to do other I/O stuff inside the U monad.
Well that wouldn't be my main complaint :-)
Thanks for taking the time to do this Dan. I think the safety
requirement has been met, but I think it fails on the improved API.
The main complaint would be what I see as loss of modularity, in that
somehow what should be a small irrelevant detail of the implementation
of some obscure module somewhere has propogated it's way all the way
upto main.
This is something it seems to have in common with all other attempts
I've seen to solve the "global variable" problem without actually using
a..you know what :-) It doesn't matter whether it's explicit state
handle args, withWhateverDo wrappers, novel monads or what. They
all have this effect.
To me this seems completely at odds with what I thought was generally
accepted wisdom of how to write good maintainable, modular software.
Namely hiding as much implemention detail possible and keeping APIs
as simple and stable as they can be. I don't know if I'm alone in
that view nowadays.
I'm also not sure I understand why so many people seem to feel that
stateful effects must be "accounted for" somehow in the args and/or
types of the effecting function. Like if I had..
getThing :: IO Thing
..as an FFI binding, nobody would give it a moments thought. They'd
see it from it's type that it had some mysterious world state
dependent/effecting behaviour, but would be quite happy to just
accept that the didn't really need to worry about all that magic...
instead they'd accept that it "just works".
Why then, if I want to implement precisely the same thing in Haskell
(using a "global variable") does it suddenly become so important for
this stateful magic to be accounted for? Like the presence of that
"global variable" must be made so very painfully apparent in main
(and everywhere else on the dependency path too I guess).
In short, I just don't get it :-)
Purists aren't going to like it, but I think folk *will* be using "real"
global variables in I/O libs for the forseeable future. Seems a shame
that they'll have to do this with unsafePerformIO hack though :-(
Adrian Hey
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