[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Speed Myth

Thomas M. DuBuisson thomas.dubuisson at gmail.com
Sun Aug 24 00:31:30 EDT 2008

> That's really interesting -- I just tried this.
> Compiling not using -threaded: 1.289 seconds
> Compiling using -threaded, but not running with -N2: 3.403 seconds
> Compiling using -threaded, and using -N2: 55.072 seconds

I was hoping to see a relative improvement when introducting an
opportunity parallelism in the program, so I made a version with two
MVars filled at the start.  This didn't work out though - perhaps some
performance stands to be gained by improving the GHC scheduler wrt cpu /
OS thread affinity for the Haskell threads?

For the curious:

-O2: 7.3 seconds (CPU: 99.7% user)
-O2 -threaded: 11.5 seconds (CPU: 95% user, 5% system)
-O2 -threaded ... +RTS -N2: killed after 3 minutes (CPUs: 15% user, 20%

Thats quite a lot of CPU time going to the system.

Linux 2.6.26 (Arch) x86_64
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.5GHz

Notice the threads still exist when a value of 0 is seen - this is OK as
the other value will be terminating ringsize threads earlier and this
thread will never be needed again.

import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import System.Environment

ring = 503

new l i = do
  r <- newEmptyMVar
  forkIO (thread i l r)
  return r

thread :: Int -> MVar Int -> MVar Int -> IO ()
thread i l r = go
  where go = do
          m <- takeMVar l
          when (m == 1) (print i)
          putMVar r $! m - 1
          when (m > 0) go

main = do
  val <- return . read . head =<< getArgs
  a <- newMVar val
  b <- newMVar val
  y <- foldM new a [2..ring]
  forkIO $ thread (ring+1) y b
  z <- foldM new b [(ring + 2)..(ring + ring)]
  thread 1 z a

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