[Haskell-cafe] the "process" package ...

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at worc.ox.ac.uk
Thu Aug 21 18:29:40 EDT 2008

On Thu, 2008-08-21 at 17:01 -0500, Galchin, Vasili wrote:
> how do I unbork it? Are darcs version of package same as hackage
> version of packages teh same contents?

To be honest I'd not bother. You already have the version of the process
package that came with ghc and there are no new releases that you need.
That's why nobody else noticed the problem, because nobody needs to
install this package, because it comes with ghc.

If you really want to re-install it anyway then you could use the darcs
version that goes with the ghc-6.8.x branch:


Obviously in principle the version on hackage should have worked. You'll
be glad to know that hackage now checks that packages that use
build-type Configure do indeed actually have a ./configure file, so this
particular error cannot be repeated.


> Regards, Vasili
> On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 5:01 AM, Duncan Coutts
> <duncan.coutts at worc.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
>         On Thu, 2008-08-21 at 00:36 -0500, Galchin, Vasili wrote:
>         > Hi Duncan,
>         >
>         >      In reality there is a complaint about no "configure"
>         file. In any
>         > case, you really mean "autoconf" and not "autoreconf" yes?
>         If I should
>         > run "autoconf", there is no configure.ac or configure.in
>         file under
>         > the process directory! ??
>         Ah, you're using process- from hackage. It does indeed
>         appear to
>         be borked because it specifies build-type: Configure and yet
>         contains
>         no ./configure script.
>         Sorry, I assumed that you were missing ./configure because you
>         were
>         using the darcs version.
>         Duncan

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