[Haskell-cafe] lines of code metrics

Don Stewart dons at galois.com
Wed Aug 20 17:36:54 EDT 2008

>    On Aug 19, 2008, at 9:12 AM, Greg Fitzgerald wrote:
>        Does anyone know of a good case study comparing a project written in C
>        versus one written in Haskell?  I'm mostly looking for a comparison of
>        lines of code, but any other metric, such as time to market and code
>        quality metrics could also be
>    > ... loads of great references ...
>    Thank you all for your help!  These references are a great help for
>    pushing Haskell at work.

I've also set up the "Who's using Haskell" section on haskell.org's
front page -- let me know what you think --  with further documentation
on the Industry page, with references to CUFP. Domain-specific stories
there can be useful.

-- Don

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