[Haskell-cafe] two problems with Data.Binary and Data.ByteString
Tim Newsham
newsham at lava.net
Wed Aug 13 20:22:44 EDT 2008
Ok, surely at least everyone must agree that this is a bug:
force :: Word8 -> IO Word8
force x = print x >> return x
-- force = return . (`using` rnf)
main = do
d <- force =<< decodeFile stateFile
encodeFile stateFile d
where stateFile = "1word32.bin"
test8.hs: 1word32.bin: openBinaryFile: resource busy (file is locked)
the built-in Data.Binary.decodeFile function doesn't close
its handle when it is done (same reason as my earlier examples).
> However, I think probably the real blame here should probably go
> to Data.Binary which doesn't attempt to check that it has consumed
> all of its input after doing a "decode". If "decode" completes
> and there is unconsumed data, it should probably raise an error
> (it already raises errors for premature EOF). There's no reason
> for it not to, since it does not provide the unconsumed data to
> the caller when its done, anyway...
I would have expected this to fix my problems:
binEof :: Get ()
binEof = do
more <- not <$> isEmpty
when more $ error "expected EOF"
decodeFully :: Binary b => B.ByteString -> b
decodeFully = runGet (get << binEof)
where a << b = a >>= (\x -> b >> return x)
but even when using decodeFully, it still doesn't close the handle.
Shouldn't Data.Binary.Get.isEmpty force a file handle close in
the case that it returns True?
Tim Newsham
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