[Haskell-cafe] Re: Some clarity please!
Michael Karcher
usenet at mkarcher.dialup.fu-berlin.de
Tue Apr 22 13:28:27 EDT 2008
In gmane.comp.lang.haskell.prime Aaron Denney <wnoise at ofb.net> wrote:
> > Prelude> :i Ord
> > class (Eq a) => Ord a where
> > compare :: a -> a -> Ordering
> > (<) :: a -> a -> Bool
> > (>=) :: a -> a -> Bool
> > (>) :: a -> a -> Bool
> > (<=) :: a -> a -> Bool
> > max :: a -> a -> a
> > min :: a -> a -> a
> >
> > ..while all functions could be easily derived from 'compare'. Or from
> > the Eq instance's (==) and (<), say.
> >
> > What is the reason for this? Efficiency? (Which couldn't be handled
> > equally well by RULES?) Otherwise, it looks like an invitation for
> > writing inconsistent instances.
> My impression (which may not be entirely accurate) is not primarily for
> efficiency (though that is one reason), but for ease of implementation.
> max and min seem to have neither justification going for them, although
> I suppose it's technically possible to write compare in terms of them
> and (==).
I am quite late to join this thread, but as I just read the thread
about Conal's AddBounds where he had a very valid point for
implementing min/max without resorting to <= or compare:
min [] ys = []
min xs [] = []
min (x:xs) (y:ys)
| cmp == LT = (x:xs)
| cmp == GT = (y:ys)
| cmp == EQ = x:min xs ys
where cmp = compare x y
This is a properly lazy implementation for min (the one in GHC's
prelude is not), as it is able to calculate (take 5 $ min [1,2..]
[1,2..]). This is not possible if min has to wait for compare or <= to
compare the full lists before returning the head.
Michael Karcher
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