[Haskell-cafe] incompatibility issues in installing wxHaskell 0.10.3 with GHCi 6.8.2 on Windows XP Pro

Benjamin L. Russell dekudekuplex at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 18 00:45:57 EDT 2008

I just solved the problem by myself:  It was a problem
with paths including spaces.

Originally, I had installed wxhaskell-register.bat in
the following directory:

C:\Documents and Settings\Benjamin\My

However, the directory "Documents and Settings"
includes two spaces, and "My Documents" includes a
space as well.

Therefore, I moved the wxhaskell-0.10.3 directory to
the C:\ top-level directory, thus creating a path
without spaces; viz:


Running wxhaskell-register.bat there caused it to run
successfully (some of the returned messages are in
Japanese, which I shall translate accordingly below):

----- installation messages begin immediately after
this line -----
- register packages
Reading package info from
"C:\\wxhaskell-0.10.3\\bin\\wxcore.pkg" ... done.
WARNING: unversioned dependencies are deprecated, and
will NOT be accepted by GH
C 6.10: base haskell98
Saving old package config file... done.
Writing new package config file... done.
Reading package info from
"C:\\wxhaskell-0.10.3\\bin\\wx.pkg" ... done.
Saving old package config file... done.
Writing new package config file... done.

- copy wxc-msw2.6.4-0.10.3.dll to the windows system
directory (C:\WINDOWS\syste
- done!
. . .
----- installation messages end immediately before
this line -----

The first three messages above mean the following:

"1 file copied.
 1 file copied.
 1 file copied."

The last two messages above mean the following:

"1 file copied.
 Press any key to continue...."

I wish that the error messages had been more helpful,
though; "Documents and Settings" is a standard
location for many settings in Windows XP, and the
previous error message "Maybe you have an incompatible
version of ghc installed?" had not been very
informative.  Also, there are no instructions on the
"wxHaskell - Download" page
(http://wxhaskell.sourceforge.net/download.html) to
run the installation batch file in a directory with no
spaces in the path.  It seems designed by someone who
never steps outside the world of Linux/UNIX/*NIX
(nothing against UNIX here; I use Mac OS X, which is a
UNIX-based OS, at home myself, but if they are going
to provide an automated Windows installer, they should
at least explain how to use it from the standpoint of
a user used to working in that environment....).

Benjamin L. Russell

--- "Benjamin L. Russell" <dekudekuplex at yahoo.com>

> Perhaps this is not the best mailing list for this
> issue, but since this problem involves a library for
> Haskell and is not a bug of GHC proper, I thought
> this
> would be a better place than the
> Glasgow-haskell-bugs
> mailing list....
> I tried installing wxHaskell 0.10.3 with GHCi 6.8.2
> already installed on Windows XP Professional Service
> Pack 2, but every time I run the
> wxhaskell-register.bat script to install the
> library,
> the following error message appears (I am installing
> on the Japanese version of Windows XP at work, so
> some
> of the error messages are in Japanese, which I shall
> translate accordingly below):
> ----- error message begins immediately after this
> line
> -----
>         1 ŒÂ‚̃tƒ@ƒCƒ‹‚ðƒRƒs[‚µ‚Ü‚µ‚½B
> ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh‚̍\•¶‚ªŒë‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·B
> ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh‚̍\•¶‚ªŒë‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·B
> - register packages
> Reading package info from "C:\\Documents and
> Settings\\Benjamin\\My Documents\\H
> ... done.
> WARNING: unversioned dependencies are deprecated,
> and
> will NOT be accepted by GH
> C 6.10: base haskell98
> ghc-pkg: C:\Documents doesn't exist or isn't a
> directory (use --force to overrid
> e)
> Reading package info from "C:\\Documents and
> Settings\\Benjamin\\My Documents\\H
> ... done.
> ghc-pkg: dependency wxcore-0.10.3 doesn't exist (use
> --force to override)
> error:
>   Unable to register the package using "ghc-pkg".
>   Maybe you have an incompatible version of ghc
> installed?
> ‘±s‚·‚é‚ɂ͉½‚©ƒL[‚ð‰Ÿ‚µ‚Ä‚­‚¾‚³‚¢ . . .
> ----- error message ends immediately before this
> line
> -----
> The first paragraph above means the following:
> "        1 file copied.
> Syntax error in command.
> Syntax error in command."
> The final line above means the following:
> "Press any key to continue...."
> However, there do not seem to be any errors in my
> unmodified wxhaskell-register.bat file, quoted
> below:
> ----- text of wxhaskell-register.bat file begins
> immediately after this line -----
> @SET wxclibname=wxc-msw2.6.4-0.10.3
> @SET generate=yes
> IF "%1"==""       GOTO noarg
> IF "%1"=="--help" GOTO help
> IF "%1"=="-?"     GOTO help
> IF "%1"=="/?"     GOTO help
> GOTO installarg
> :installarg
> SET installdir=%1
> GOTO check
> :noarg
> COPY /B /Y setcd setcd.bat
> CD ..
> CD >> bin\setcd.bat
> CD bin
> CALL setcd.bat
> DEL setcd.bat
> SET installdir=%CURDIR%
> GOTO check
> :check
> IF "%generate%"=="yes" GOTO generate
> GOTO checkfile
> :generate
> IF NOT EXIST %installdir%\bin\wx-partial.pkg GOTO
> notfound
> COPY /Y %installdir%\bin\wx-partial.pkg
> %installdir%\bin\wx.pkg
> ECHO import-dirs:%installdir%\lib\imports >>
> %installdir%\bin\wx.pkg
> ECHO library-dirs:%installdir%\lib        >>
> %installdir%\bin\wx.pkg
> COPY /Y %installdir%\bin\wxcore-partial.pkg
> %installdir%\bin\wxcore.pkg
> ECHO import-dirs:%installdir%\lib\imports >>
> %installdir%\bin\wxcore.pkg
> ECHO library-dirs:%installdir%\lib        >>
> %installdir%\bin\wxcore.pkg
> GOTO checkfile
> :checkfile
> IF NOT EXIST "%installdir%\bin\wx.pkg" GOTO notfound
> :install
> ECHO - register packages
> SET wxhlibdir=%installdir%\lib
> ghc-pkg update "%installdir%\bin\wxcore.pkg"
> ghc-pkg update "%installdir%\bin\wx.pkg"
> IF "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" GOTO copyNT
> ECHO - copy %wxclibname%.dll to the windows system
> directory (%WINDIR%\system)
> COPY %installdir%\lib\%wxclibname%.dll
> %WINDIR%\system\%wxclibname%.dll
> GOTO checkcopy
> :copyNT
> ECHO - copy %wxclibname%.dll to the windows system
> directory (%WINDIR%\system32)
> COPY %installdir%\lib\%wxclibname%.dll
> %WINDIR%\system32\%wxclibname%.dll
> :checkcopy
> IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO copyerror
> ECHO - done!
> GOTO end
> :regerror
> ECHO error:
> ECHO   Unable to register the package using
> "ghc-pkg".
> ECHO   Maybe you have an incompatible version of ghc
> installed?
> goto end
> :copyerror
> ECHO error:
> ECHO   Unable to copy dynamic link libraries to the
> system folder. 
> ECHO   This is not a real problem but you will have
> to
> add the wxHaskell 
> ECHO   library directory to your PATH environment
> variable. 
> ECHO   The library directory is: %installdir%\lib
> goto end
> :notfound
> ECHO error:
> ECHO   Unable to find the wxHaskell packages
> (bin\wx.pkg)
> ECHO   Maybe the installation directory is not
> properly specified?
> GOTO help
> :help
> ECHO usage:
> ECHO   wxhaskell-register [installdir]
> ECHO (or just double click on the batch file from
> the
> explorer)
> GOTO end
> :end
> ----- text of wxhaskell-register.bat file ends
> immediately before this line -----
> Any ideas?  Has anybody else encountered this bug?
> Benjamin L. Russell
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> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe at haskell.org
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=== message truncated ===

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