[Haskell-cafe] Hackage Haddock fails where local succeeds

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Thu Apr 17 09:24:22 EDT 2008

On Thu April 17 2008 7:01:18 am Ross Paterson wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 06:45:40AM -0500, John Goerzen wrote:
> > My local haddock, 0.8, parses this file fine.  Is Hackage running and
> > older version?  Could it be upgraded?  Or is there something else going
> > on here?
> No, it's running haddock 2.1.0, which understands all the GHC
> extensions, but is more picky about comments.

OK.  I have been able to replicate this behavior with Haddock, which 
is the latest according to www.haskell.org/haddock.  Where did 2.1.0 come 

Although I can replicate the behavior, I can't explain it.  My reading of the 
Haddock docs leads me to believe I have done the correct thing.  Is this a 
bug in Haddock or am I missing something?

Is there some different syntax for a "type" declaration that defines an alias 
for a function?

-- John

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