[Haskell-cafe] Re: Shouldn't this loop indefinitely => take (last [0..]) [0..]

Aaron Denney wnoise at ofb.net
Mon Apr 7 08:28:56 EDT 2008

On 2008-04-04, Neil Mitchell <ndmitchell at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  What do you mean by "proper Lazy naturals"? Peano ones?
> Yes

Not _strictly_ necessary.  And I'd definitely like some suitable
typeclass put in place.  This represents positive arithmetic with
a list homomorphism that forgets the elements and remembers only length.
It's pretty much exactly equivalent to the function "map (const ())".

This essentially unary representation isn't the only way to way to
manipulate numbers by structure.  You can do the same thing with many
other data structures, such as trees, heaps, etc.

In this case, yes, lists are the cleanest, being the underlying
structure we're getting information about.  (Aside: might as well just
define the "less than" operation directly on the lists in this case --
or for any other arithmetic operation where we're not getting a list
back.  When we are, we usually can too, but it's a bit more fraught with
concerns over whether that's really what we want -- we're throwing away
information by replacing all elements with (), and perhaps we should
have the typechecker warn us.[1])

But we can pull this trick with any container class.  + corresponds to
some merger or catenation, * to some cross product, zero to an empty
data structure, and so forth.  If you do this with Binomial heaps, out
pop binary numbers.  If you do this to certain types of efficient
queues, "skew binary numbers" which support efficient increment and
decrument pop out.  This isn't surprising, as they were built using
skew binary number for precisely this property.  Those that haven't
should take a look at Okasaki's _Purely Functional Data Structures_,
particularly chapter 9: "Numerical Structures".


smallerThan :: [a] -> [b] -> Bool
smallerThan [] [] = False
smallerThan [] _  = True
smallerThan _  [] = False
smallerThan (_:as) (_:bs) = smallerThan as bs

noGreaterThan :: [a] -> [b] -> Bool
noGreaterThan [] _  = True
noGreaterThan _  [] = False
noGreaterThan (_:as) (_:bs) = noGreaterThan as bs

are perfectly reasonable, but it's less clear that

nattify = map const ()
(+) xs ys = (++) (nattify xs) (nattify ys)

would be good universal definitions.

Aaron Denney

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