[Haskell-cafe] Re: isWHNF :: a -> IO Bool ?
apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Thu Sep 27 16:57:36 EDT 2007
Tristan Allwood wrote:
>>> Does anyone know if there is a function that tells you if a haskell
>>> value has been forced or not? e.g. isWHNF :: a -> IO Bool
> apfelmus wrote:
>> Note that this function [isWHNF :: a -> Bool] is not
>> referentially transparent
> Indeed. Does it still mess up with the result in IO Bool (as was my
> intent)?
It depends, but I think yes. I mean, given extensional equality,
isWHNF 2
isWHNF (1+1)
still have to be the same IO actions, in the sense that there cannot be
a guarantee that the first always returns True during execution
without the second returning always True , too. That is, you may not
depend on such a property for proving that your program is correct,
although you may use it for performance (memory & time) characteristics
(I don't know how you would use isWHNF to do /that/, but it's a
hypothetical possibility). In other words, if your program output is
correct with a fake nondeterministic replacement like
isWHNF x = do
b' <- getMemoizedValueFor x
if b' then return True else do
b <- randomIO
when b $ setMemoizedValueFor x True
return b
then it's safe, otherwise it's not. But similarly to a memoization
function implemented with unsafePerformIO
memoize :: Ord a => (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
you may well use the "not so nondeterministic" property of isWHNF to
achieve a time & space improvement.
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