[Haskell-cafe] Troubles understanding memoization in SOE

Peter Verswyvelen bf3 at telenet.be
Wed Sep 26 04:00:27 EDT 2007

Paul L wrote:
> We recently wrote a paper about the leak problem. The draft is at
> http://www.cs.yale.edu/~hl293/download/leak.pdf. Comments are welcome!
Interesting. Now that I know the "basic Haskell" stuff these arrows make 
much more sense. However, they look *very* similar to a visual 
programming language and IDE my former colleagues and I developed for 
doing realtime particle effects on videogame consoles. This language 
contained special constructs to avoid space/time leaks, like a dedicated 
"feedback loop". I hope I won't come to the conclusion that after one 
year learning the cool lazy functional programming language Haskell 
(which I want to use for making simple videogames in a clean way for 
teaching), I got back from where I started :-) Of course that will not 
be the case, I'm really learning a lot. Even if it turns out Haskell is 
not really suitable for games, I will have learned a lot. However it is 
very important for my goal that the code looks very concise and clean, 
and having to chase hidden space/time leaks would ruin the elegance.

A minor detail in your paper: on page 7, you represent *(d) sf1 &&& sf2 
*as a big box taking one input and producing two outputs. The input is 
internally split using a Y. This does not seem consistent with the other 
boxes (e.g. *first *or *loop *internally) that show two arrows for an 
incoming/outgoing pair, so I would say the outer box of &&& would also 
have two inputs and two outputs.

Best regards,
Peter Verswyvelen

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