[Haskell-cafe] Very crazy
Neil Mitchell
ndmitchell at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 05:16:33 EDT 2007
> show_system =
> unlines .
> zipWith
> (\l ms ->
> "Eq" ++
> show l ++
> ": " ++
> (concat $ intersperse " + " $ zipWith (\n x -> x ++ " x" ++ show
> n) [1..] (init ms)) ++
> " = " ++
> last ms
> )
> [1..] .
> map (map (take 8 . show))
> And people complain that *Perl* is bad? This function is quite obviously
> absurd. I mean, it works, but can *you* figure out what it does without
> running it?
No. Can you say what the intention of this code is? Maybe a few
examples? The type signature? That way I think people will be more
able to give you hints.
Generally, I find list comprehensions to be a good way out of general
listy mess.
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