[Haskell-cafe] PROPOSAL: New efficient Unicode string library.

Vitaliy Akimov vitaliy.akimov at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 04:17:33 EDT 2007

Hi, thanks for proposal,
Why questions connected with converting are considered only?
The library i18n should give a number of other services such as
normalization, comparison, sorting, etc.
Furthermore it's not so easy to keep such library up to date.
Why simply do not make a bindings to IBM ICU
(http://www-306.ibm.com/software/globalization/icu/index.jsp) library
which is up to date unicode implementation?


2007/9/25, Johan Tibell <johan.tibell at gmail.com>:
> Dear haskell-cafe,
> I would like to propose a new, ByteString like, Unicode string library
> which can be used where both efficiency (currently offered by
> ByteString) and i18n support (currently offered by vanilla Strings)
> are needed. I wrote a skeleton draft today but I'm a bit tired so I
> didn't get all the details. Nevertheless I think it fleshed out enough
> for some initial feedback. If I can get the important parts nailed
> down before Hackathon I could hack on it there.
> Apologies for not getting everything we discussed on #haskell down in
> the first draft. It'll get in there eventually.
> Bring out your Unicode kung-fu!
> http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/UnicodeByteString
> Cheers,
> Johan Tibell
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