[Haskell-cafe] Shouldnt this be lazy too?

Andrew Coppin andrewcoppin at btinternet.com
Mon Sep 24 17:28:25 EDT 2007

Neil Mitchell wrote:
> Hi
>>> Pretty much, yes.
>> So I just need to write
>>   newtype LazyNatural = LazyNatural [()]
> or
> data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
> it's your choice really.

I'm guessing there's going to be fairly minimal performance difference. 
(Or maybe there is. My way uses a few additional pointers. But it also 
allows me to elegantly recycle existing Prelude list functions, so...)

>> and then add some suitable instances. ;-)
> Yes. Lots of them. Lots of instances and lots of methods.
>> Hey, the "length" function would then just be
>>   ln_length :: [x] -> LazyNatural
>>   ln_length = LazyNatural . map (const ())
>> Ooo, that's hard.
> Nope, its really easy. Its just quite a bit of work filling in all the
> instances. I bet you can't do it and upload the results to hackage
> within 24 hours :-)

*ALL* the instances? No.

A small handful of them? Sure. How about this...

module LazyNatural (LazyNatural ()) where

import Data.List

newtype LazyNatural = LN [()]

instance Show LazyNatural where
  show (LN x) = "LN " ++ show (length x)

instance Eq LazyNatural where
  (LN x) == (LN y) = x == y

instance Ord LazyNatural where
  compare (LN x) (LN y) = raw_compare x y

raw_compare ([])  (_:_) = LT
raw_compare ([])  ([])  = EQ
raw_compare (_:_) ([])  = GT
raw_compare (_:x) (_:y) = raw_compare x y

instance Num LazyNatural where
  (LN x) + (LN y) = LN (x ++ y)
  (LN x) - (LN y) = LN (raw_minus x y)
  (LN x) * (LN y) = LN (concatMap (const x) y)
  negate _ = error "negate is not defined for LazyNatural"
  abs = id
  signum (LN []) = LN []
  signum (LN _)  = LN [()]
  fromInteger = LN . flip genericReplicate ()

raw_minus (_:a) (_:b) = raw_minus a b
raw_minus (a)   ([])  = a
raw_minus _     _     = error "negative result from subtraction"

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