[Haskell-cafe] Re: Sequencing Operations in a Monad

Al Falloon afalloon at synopsys.com
Fri Sep 21 09:10:35 EDT 2007

SevenThunders wrote:
> Well it certainly requires some thought here.  As I see it, I now have two
> reasonable choices.  Either I pull all my matrix operations back inside the
> IO monad and avoid the matrix action as a matrix variable paradigm  (due to
> the loss of referential transparency)  or I devise some way to guarantee
> 'safety' and use unsafePerformIO.  I suppose I can use a somewhat
> generalized version of safety where if I can guarantee that the order of
> operations doesn't matter to the final output then I'm OK.  In this case if
> I can make it so that reording the computations only reorders the locations
> of my matrices on the stack, but otherwise doesn't affect the contents of
> the matrices I think I am golden. 
> I believe I got burned by following a nice tutorial interpretation of the IO
> monad as a way of carrying around an undeclared state variable,  the world. 
> But my little matrix IO variable is not just a world state with some matrix
> data in it, rather it appears to be a world state with a chain of unapplied
> function evaluations.  This is due to laziness I believe.  If I had a data
> structure that looked more like a world state with a reference to a variable
> in that world state, I could find a way to achieve my goals I think.

I know that you have already made your decision and moved on, but I 
think that there is still another alternative that you can consider: 
make an abstract interpreter for your matrix operations.

The basic idea is to use the normal Num et. al. type classes to write 
your matrix calculations. However, instead of actually performing the 
calculations it instead builds a data structure that represents the 
calculations. You then 'interpret' the data structure in a separate 
function in the IO monad.

The advantage of the approach is that you can pre-process the abstract 
data structure to recognize intermediate matrices that can be consumed 
without copying and other optimizations.

The other advantage is that the matrix math itself doesn't need to be in 
the IO monad, only the interpretation, so you can use all the functional 
goodness when writing the matrix operations.

I was going to whip up a small example, but I am pressed for time. So 
here is a post from Oleg that shows the idea. 
As usual his post is mind-expanding and probably a bit of overkill for 
your problem, but I was the best I could come up with, google was not my 
friend. You might have better luck (try "higher order abstract syntax" 
and "abstract interpretation" and go from there)

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