[Haskell-cafe] Spot the difference!
Bas van Dijk
v.dijk.bas at gmail.com
Thu Sep 20 09:52:10 EDT 2007
On 9/20/07, PR Stanley <prstanley at ntlworld.com> wrote:
> Hi
> \_ n -> 1 + n
> \_ -> (\n -> 1 + n)
> The outcome seems to be identical. is there a substantive difference
> between the two definitions?
You can check this out your self by compiling this program and looking
at the generated core program like this:
module Difference where
foo :: Num b => a -> b -> b
foo = \_ n -> 1 + n
bar :: Num b => a -> b -> b
bar = \_ -> (\n -> 1 + n)
$ ghc -ddump-simpl Difference.hs
==================== Tidy Core ====================
Difference.bar :: forall b_a5j a_a5k.
(GHC.Num.Num b_a5j) =>
a_a5k -> b_a5j -> b_a5j
[Arity 1
Difference.bar =
\ (@ b_a9E) (@ a_a9F) ($dNum_a9L :: GHC.Num.Num b_a9E) ->
let {
lit_a9J :: b_a9E
lit_a9J =
case $dNum_a9L
of tpl_B1
{ GHC.Num.:DNum tpl1_B2
tpl9_Ba ->
tpl9_Ba (GHC.Num.S# 1)
} in
\ (ds_dad :: a_a9F) (n_a79 :: b_a9E) ->
case $dNum_a9L
of tpl_B1
{ GHC.Num.:DNum tpl1_B2
tpl9_Ba ->
tpl3_B4 lit_a9J n_a79
Difference.foo :: forall b_a5m a_a5n.
(GHC.Num.Num b_a5m) =>
a_a5n -> b_a5m -> b_a5m
[Arity 1
Difference.foo =
\ (@ b_aa0) (@ a_aa1) ($dNum_aa7 :: GHC.Num.Num b_aa0) ->
let {
lit_aa5 :: b_aa0
lit_aa5 =
case $dNum_aa7
of tpl_B1
{ GHC.Num.:DNum tpl1_B2
tpl9_Ba ->
tpl9_Ba (GHC.Num.S# 1)
} in
\ (ds_dae :: a_aa1) (n_a5q :: b_aa0) ->
case $dNum_aa7
of tpl_B1
{ GHC.Num.:DNum tpl1_B2
tpl9_Ba ->
tpl3_B4 lit_aa5 n_a5q
This looks very scary so let me try to explain:
The Core language [2] (formally called System FC [3]) is actually very
similar to Haskell because both are based on the lambda calculus. One
imported difference is that in the Core language a function can take a
type as an argument and it can be applied to a type. This is needed to
implement polymorphic functions. 'foo' and 'bar' for example are
polymorphic in all their arguments. This means that when you want to
apply 'foo' or 'bar' to some arguments 'x' and 'y' you should first
apply it to the types of 'x' and 'y'.
Another major difference with Haskell is the way overloaded function
are implemented. Note that in both 'foo' and 'bar' you use an
overloaded literal '1' ('1' is translated to 'fromInteger 1') and
overloaded function '+'. The following quote from [3] explains briefly
how overloaded functions are translated:
"Generally, type classes are translated into SystemF [17] by (1) turning
each class into a record type, called a dictionary, containing
the class methods, (2) converting each instance into a dictionary
value, and (3) passing such dictionaries to whichever
function mentions a class in its signature."
Now with this knowledge lets look at the Core output for 'bar':
You see that 'bar' is a lambda abstraction that takes the two types
that we talked about: '@ b_a9E' '@ a_a9F' (the @ indicates that it are
types) these correspond to the types 'a' and 'b' in our original
Haskell program. The lambda abstraction also takes a third argument
which is the dictionary we talked about:
'$dNum_a9L :: GHC.Num.Num b_a9E' (the $ indicates that it's a
dictionary). Note that the dictionary type constructor is applied to
the type 'b_a9E'.
On to the body of the lambda abstraction. First you see that a
variable 'lit_a9J :: b_a9E' is defined. This is going to be the
overloaded literal '1'. As I said when you write '1' in Haskell it is
translated to 'fromInteger 1' where 'fromInteger' is an overloaded
function (a method in the 'Num' type class [4]) and '1' is a concrete
'Integer'. Note that 'bar' has received the dictionary for 'Num' that
contains all the methods of 'Num' like '+', '-' and 'fromInteger'. The
only thing we need to do is extract the right method ('fromInteger')
from the dictionary and apply it to a concrete Integer. This is what
happens in the case expression: we extract the method 'tpl9_Ba' and
apply it to 'GHC.Num.S# 1'.
Now that our literal 1 is defined, a lambda abstraction is created
that takes two arguments 'ds_dad :: a_a9F' and 'n_a79 :: b_a9E' which
correspond to the arguments in our original Haskell program. Now the
overloaded function '+' should be applied to the defined literal
'lit_a9J' and the resulting function should be applied to the argument
'n_a79'. Because '+' is overloaded the same thing happens as we saw
with the overloaded literal '1'.
Now that you can read GHC Core programs :-) you can observe that 'foo'
and 'bar' are the same.
Bas van Dijk
[1] http://www.haskell.org/ghc/dist/current/docs/users_guide/options-debugging.html
[2] http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/Compiler/CoreSynType
[3] http://research.microsoft.com/%7Esimonpj/papers/ext%2Df/fc-tldi.pdf
[4] http://haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/libraries/base/Prelude.html#v%3AfromInteger
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