[Haskell-cafe] Licenses and Libraries

Don Stewart dons at galois.com
Tue Sep 11 18:19:28 EDT 2007

> Hello,
> I have some questions connected more with the licenses and libraries as the 
> language itself:
> Is it possible to:
> - publish Haskell source code under the BSD3 license 
>   - provide an executable binary together with the code "including" (compiled 
> e.g. with 'ghc --make') "standard" (in the ghc compiler download) libraries of 
> the base and/or other packages
> - publish Haskell source code under the BSD3 license which will work with GTK2HS
>   - provide an executable binary together with the code compiled with 'ghc --
> make'
> - does there have to be any special flags set to do so
> - does there have to be included further notes about the libraries and/or there 
> license 

You should feel entirely free to do whatever you wish with the language.

Particular tools and libraries are licensed individually, and most are BSD, or
more rarely LGPL or GPL licensed. BSD is preferred, and required for foundation

-- Don

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