[Haskell-cafe] Hawiki articles

Daniel McAllansmith dm.maillists at gmail.com
Mon Sep 3 17:38:28 EDT 2007

On Tuesday 04 September 2007 08:29, Neil Mitchell wrote:
> Hi
> There are two entirely separate issues in this thread - let's not confuse
> them.
> 1) The old HaWiki content is good and unavailable. I want it made
> available, in whatever form is appropriate. Please :-)
> 2) Licensing - the old content cannot be dumped onto the new wiki. My
> personal view is "who cares". There are numerous license violations
> within the Haskell community (I can think of 4 off the top of my
> head), but in general everyone is working for the same purpose, and
> its just pesky laws getting in the way - not violating peoples intent.
> I realise that this will be a minority opinion, and that its probably
> a bad idea to follow my opinion on this.

HaskellWiki states "Recent content is available under a simple permissive 
license."  That implies to me that there may be old content that isn't under 
a simple permissive licence, so users of the wiki should have an eye out for 
licencing issues.

Could the hawiki content not be slapped in at .../haskellwiki/OldContent/... 
read-only with big, red, flashing, 'licence unknown, get contributor 
consents, etc, etc' warning?  At least it can then be migrated easily if the 
rights-holder agrees, or be referenced by original works on haskellwiki.

That seems a satisfactory attempt to honour the letter/intent of the 
law/contributor.  If someone complains the offending content can be removed.


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