[Haskell-cafe] Strictness leak

Jeff Polakow jeff.polakow at db.com
Wed Oct 31 01:05:25 EDT 2007

I forgot to send this reponse to haskell-cafe earlier...


> You mean for the IO monad, right?
Sorry. I meant divergence is unavoidable for any strict Monad, such as IO. 

However, sequence will always compute over the entire list; if the 
resulting computation itself is lazy then the result can be inspected 

>    take 10 $ execWriter $ sequence $ repeat $ tell ([3]::[Int])
This is a good example. Note that the computation of sequence itself is 

    snd $ runWriter $ sequence (repeat $ tell [3]) >>= return . take 10

will result in an infinite list, but

    fst $ runWriter $ sequence (repeat $ tell [3]) >>= return . take 10

will return a 10 element list.



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