[Haskell-cafe] Back on opengl win32 again? no window
bbrown at botspiritcompany.com
Mon Oct 22 14:04:34 EDT 2007
Ok, sorry to bring this back up again. I asked before and kind of went to a
working linux system.
My question; On Win32, has anyone seen where you try to run the application
but the window will not stay open. There are no errors, the window with 3D
objects will not stay open. I was using a recent haskell 6.6.1 (ghc-6.6.1-
I asked before it seemed like the others suggested I use freeglut and use
that. But I dont really need freeglut extensions. I am using basic opengl.
I noticed that opengl is included in the ghc (mingw) I downloaded. Also, the
code compiles, just doesnt run. The machine itself is a 3.2ghz, nvidia
machine (win2k). I know opengl code should work.
You can see the source here:
I compiled with:
ghc --make MechCamera.hs -prof -auto-all -o $@
Basically the initialization aspect:
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL
import Graphics.UI.GLUT
import Data.IORef
mechLaunchGLWindow = do
-- Initialize with the following settings
-- Double buffer, RGBA color
-- Alpha components supported, Depth buffer
initialDisplayMode $= [ DoubleBuffered, RGBAMode, WithDepthBuffer,
WithAlphaComponent ]
initialWindowSize $= Size mechScreenWidth mechScreenHeight
createWindow mechWindowTitle
let mainCamera = initCamera (1.4, 4.2, -4.5) (0,0,0) (0,0,0)
mainMech = initMech (0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 0)
mainCameraRef <- newIORef(mainCamera)
mainMechRef <- newIORef(mainMech)
-- Set the OpenGL callbacks
displayCallback $= displayGameLoop mainCameraRef mainMechRef
-- Set the keyboard callback for handling actions
keyboardMouseCallback $= Just (mechKeyPressed mainCameraRef)
idleCallback $= Just idle
Berlin Brown
[berlin dot brown at gmail dot com]
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