[Haskell-cafe] Beginners problem with the type system

Henrik Tramberend henrik.tramberend at fh-hannover.de
Mon Oct 22 14:02:20 EDT 2007

Dear Hasekellers,

I am trying to build some abstractions on top of the module  
Control.Concurrent and run into a problem with the type system that I  
do not understand.

In particular, I want to define two classes 'Channel' and 'Port' (see  
below) that define a common interface for several concrete  
implementations with different synchronization characteristics.

The following code is a simplified excerpt that demonstrates the  

 > module Main where
 > import Control.Concurrent.MVar

 > class Channel c where
 >     port :: Port p => c a -> IO (p a)

 > class Port p where
 >     take :: p a -> IO a
 >     put :: p a -> a -> IO ()

The problem arises when I instantiate the 'Channel' class and  
implement the 'port' function.

 > data C a = C (P a)
 > instance Channel C where
 >     port (C p) = return p

   Couldn't match expected type `p' (a rigid variable)
   against inferred type `P'
     `p' is bound by the type signature for `port'
   Expected type: p a
   Inferred type: P a
   In the first argument of `return', namely `p'
   In the expression: return p

I am quite new to Haskell and my knowledge of how the type system  
works is fairly limited. Any help on this particular problem will be  
greatly appreciated, but any pointers to reading material that brings  
me closer to enlightenment are also very welcome.


 > newC = do
 >   p <- newP
 >   return (C p)

 > data P a = P (MVar a)

 > newP = do
 >   v <- newEmptyMVar
 >   return (P v)

 > instance Port P where
 >     take (P mv) = takeMVar mv

 > main = do
 >   c <- newC
 >   p <- port c
 >   put p 1

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