[Haskell-cafe] Polymorphic (typeclass) values in a list?

Dan Licata drl at cs.cmu.edu
Fri Oct 19 12:18:56 EDT 2007

You've almost got it right below.  Here's an example of using existentials: 

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}

data AnyNum where
    E :: forall a. Num a => a -> AnyNum

l :: [AnyNum]
l = [E (1 :: Integer), E (2.0 :: Float)]

neg :: [AnyNum] -> [AnyNum]
neg = map (\ (E x) -> E (0 - x))

-- testing:
instance Show AnyNum where
    show (E x) = show x
main = print (show (neg l))

What's going on here?  The idea is that the constructor 'E' of type
AnyNum takes three things 
a) a type 'a'
b) a witness that 'a' supports the operations of the Num class
c) a particular value of that type 'a'

So, in a very explicit notation, a value constructed with E might look

  E Int <evidence of Num Int> 1


  E Float <evidence of Num Float> 2.0

That is, E pairs up a type (with some type class constraints) and a
value of that type.  (Of course, in Haskell you only write the value

The type that you pair up with a value is hidden (existentially
quantified)---it does not show up in the result type of the pair, which
is just AnyNum.  So if you just have something of type AnyNum, you don't
know what the type component of the pair is.

Now, when you want to use an AnyNum, you can pattern match against the
pair.  In a very explicit notation, you'd write

case x :: AnyNum of
  E a <evidence of Num a> x -> body

and in the body, you know that x has type 'a' for some abstract 'a' that
is an instance of Num---but that's all you know!  So you can work with x
using the operations of the Num class, but that's it.

Incidentally, why does the Haskell syntax use the keyword "forall" to
introduce an existential type?  The above type

forall a. Num a => a -> AnyNum

is just a curried version of the type

(exists a. Num a => a) -> AnyNum

The argument to E is morally an existential package (a pair) of a type
and a term (whose type may mention the paired type).  Existentials are
the primitive notion here; GHC just happens to provide them using the
data mechanism.


On Oct19, TJ wrote:
> Henning Thielemann:
> > > class Renderable a where
> > >   render :: a -> RasterImage
> > >
> > > scene :: Renderable a => [a]
> >
> > This signature is valid, but it means that all list elements must be of
> > the same Renderable type.
> Yes, that's exactly the restriction I'm unhappy about.
> > You could let the user plug together the alternatives for Renderable. That
> > is, declare the class Renderable and let the user define and instantiate
> >
> > data Figure
> >    = Point Something
> >    | Line Something
> >    | Polygon Something
> But if I already have the types Point, Line, and Polygon, and I want
> to create a "union type" Figure as above, then my code will look like
> this:
> data Point = Point Something
> data Line = Line Something
> data Polygon = Polygon Something
> data Figure
>   = FPoint Point
>   | FLine Line
>   | FPolygon Polygon
> aFigure = FPoint Point Something
> aListOfFigures = [FPoint Point Something, FPolygon Polygon Something,
> FLine Line Something]
> > > Is there a way of achieving what I want to do? Existentials maybe? I'm
> > > still learning the basic stuff and don't grok existentials at all, but
> > > I even if I use those, I'll still have to wrap things up in a
> > > constructor, won't I?
> >
> > I assume, that you could use
> >   http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/users_guide/type-extensions.html#universal-quantification
> That's a nice page :) From a quick reading, the best I came up with was this:
> data R = forall a. Renderable a => V a
> instance Show R where
>   render (R a) = render a
> Which is precisely what I meant when I said that I'd still have to
> wrap things up in a constructor. Is this hidden type variable thing
> what "existential types" mean?
> OT: forall just introduces a new type variable, right?
> Thanks,
> TJ
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