[Haskell-cafe] Hiding side effects in a data structure

C Rodrigues red5_2 at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 19 10:15:50 EDT 2007

While thinking about how to generate unique integer IDs on demand without using a state variable, I came up with an interesting design pattern.  It's a way of doing side-effecting computation outside IO.  Referential transparency is preserved by making the side effects spatial rather than temporal: by hiding side effects behind lazy thunks in a data structure, they can be disguised as the output of a single, apparently nondeterministic IO function used to data structure.  This lets pure code use nondeterministic computation without the monadic plumbing required to maintain state.

The getContents function works this way, but I came up with a more interesting example.  The code below is a source of unique integer IDs that is modeled after the RandomGen class.  It uses unsafeInterleaveIO under the hood, preserving referential transparency but not determinism.

It seems to work.  However, I'm not entirely sure how safe my use of unsafeInterleaveIO is.  In particular, could the two branches of the tree get CSE'd?  I'm also curious what people think about the general design pattern.

module Unique where

import Control.Monad(liftM)
import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe

-- The goal is to produce an infinite tree of integers where each node in the
-- tree has a unique value.
type Unique = Int
data Supply = Supply Unique Supply Supply

-- The tree can be used in a stateful manner as a source of unique integers.
getUnique :: Supply -> (Unique, Supply)
getUnique (Supply u s1 _) = (u, s1)

-- The tree can also be split into independent sources of unique integers.
split :: Supply -> (Supply, Supply)
split (Supply _ s1 s2) = (s1, s2)

-- The catch is, the tree will probably be visited very sparsely, with most of
-- it being skipped.  Assigning every node its own integer is very bad, because
-- that will waste most of the 2^32 available integers very quickly.  In fact,
-- it can get used up in just 32 calls to getUnique.
-- Instead, we'll create a tree where integers magically appear only in places
-- where they are actually used.

-- First, we need an IO-bound supply of integers.
newtype IOSupply = IOSupply (IORef Unique)

newIOSupply :: IO IOSupply
newIOSupply = liftM IOSupply $ newIORef 0

getUniqueIO :: IOSupply -> IO Unique
getUniqueIO (IOSupply s) = do
    u <- readIORef s
    writeIORef s $ u+1
    return u

-- Now we'll use the IO-bound supply to create a tree having the desired
-- properties.
{-# NOINLINE getPureSupply #-}
getPureSupply :: IOSupply -> IO Supply
getPureSupply s = do
    s1 <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ getPureSupply s
    s2 <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ getPureSupply s
    n  <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ getUniqueIO s
    return $ Supply n s1 s2

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