[Haskell-cafe] using quickcheck to generate test (table) data
Thomas Hartman
thomas.hartman at db.com
Tue Oct 16 19:38:50 EDT 2007
I wanted to generate some random table data, and decided to use quickcheck
to do this. I didn't want to be checking properties, I actually wanted to
output the examples that quickcheck came up with using arbitrary. In this
case, I wanted to generate lists of lists of strings.
In case this is of use to anyone else here's an example...
One thing I don't understand is the purpose of the first argument to
generate. If it's zero it's always the same data, so I made it a larger
number (10000). Seems ok, but it would be nice to understand why. Or if
there is a better bway to accomplish this.
{-# OPTIONS -fno-monomorphism-restriction #-}
module GenTestData where
import Test.QuickCheck
import Control.Monad
import System.Random
import Test.QuickCheck
import Misc
import ArbitraryInstances
f >>=^ g = f >>= return . g
infixl 1 >>=^
rgenIntList = rgen (arbitrary :: Gen [Int]) :: IO [Int]
rgenInt = rgen (arbitrary :: Gen Int) :: IO Int
rgenFoo = rgen (arbitrary :: Gen Foo ) :: IO Foo
rgenFoos = rgen (arbitrary :: Gen [Foo]) :: IO [Foo]
rgenString' = rgen (arbitrary :: Gen [Char]) :: IO [Char]
rgenString len = rgenString' >>=^ take len
rgenStringRow' = rgen (arbitrary :: Gen [[Char]]) :: IO [[Char]]
rgenStringRow maxlenstr maxcols = do
>>=^ take maxcols
>>=^ map ( take maxlenstr )
rgenStringTable' = rgen (arbitrary :: Gen [[[Char]]]) :: IO [[[Char]]]
rgenStringTable maxlenstr maxcols maxrows = do
>>=^ take maxrows
>>=^ map ( take maxcols )
>>=^ ( map . map ) (take maxlenstr)
rgen gen = do
sg <- newStdGen
return $ generate 10000 sg gen
module ArbitraryInstances where
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.Char
import Control.Monad
instance Arbitrary Char where
arbitrary = choose ('\32', '\128')
coarbitrary c = variant (ord c `rem` 4)
-- joel reymont's example I think
data Foo
= Foo Int
| Bar
| Baz
deriving Show
instance Arbitrary Foo where
coarbitrary = undefined
arbitrary = oneof [ return Bar
, return Baz
, liftM Foo arbitrary
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