[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Re: Trying to install binary-0.4
Claus Reinke
claus.reinke at talk21.com
Tue Oct 16 07:22:42 EDT 2007
>> - if you provide a 'base' configuration that pulls in the stuff that
>> used to be in base, the package will work
> I don't know of a way to do that. The name of the package is baked into
> the object files at compile time, so you can't use the same compiled module
> in more than one package.
i've been wrong about this before, so check before you believe,-)
but here is a hack i arrived at the last time we discussed this:
[using time:Data.Time as a small example; ghc-6.6.1]
1. create, build, and install a package QTime, with default Setup.hs
-- QTime.cabal
Name: QTime
Version: 0.1
Build-depends: base, time
Exposed-modules: QTime.Data.Time
-- QTime/Data/Time.hs
module QTime.Data.Time(module Data.Time) where
import Data.Time
2. create, build, and install a package Time2, with default Setup.hs
-- Time2.cabal
Name: Time2
Version: 0.1
Build-depends: base, QTime
Exposed-modules: Data.Time
-- Data/Time.hs
module Data.Time(module QTime.Data.Time) where
import QTime.Data.Time
3. write and build a client module
-- Main.hs
import Data.Time
main = print =<< getCurrentTime
$ ghc -hide-all-packages -package base Main.hs
Failed to load interface for `Data.Time':
it is a member of package Time2-0.1, which is hidden
$ ghc -hide-all-packages -package base -package Time2 Main.hs
$ ./main.exe
2007-10-16 11:09:05.859375 UTC
$ rm main.exe Main.hi Main.o
$ ghc -hide-all-packages -package base -package time Main.hs
$ ./main.exe
2007-10-16 11:09:29.34375 UTC
as i said, i've misinterpreted such symptoms before, but it seems
to me that Time2's Data.Time acts as a drop-in replacement for
time's Data.Time here. doesn't it?
it is rather tedious, having to do something for every module in
the package, twice (once to get a package-qualified name that
differs from the original name, the second time to re-expose it
under its original name), but that could be automated. and there
would be an extra QBase package. but until cabal supports
such renamings directly, it might be a workaround for the
current base issue?
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