[Haskell-cafe] How to thoroughly clean up Haskell stuff on linux

Lihn, Steve horng_twu_lihn at merck.com
Mon Oct 15 10:21:03 EDT 2007

Thanks for all the feedback. I removed GHC 6.4 and re-installed 6.6.1
and was able to install Haddock and other things in a few seconds. It
seems that the GOA and Lambdabot complicated the environment under the
hook, I will just leave them alone for now.

> Life is too short (and haskell has enough other complications) to be
installing stuff from source :) 

Indeed, I don't want to waste time but have no choice (rpm needs root),
and in today's world, software should be built by simply
"config,build,install". Maybe in the academic world, people always have
their own machines and root access, but this is not true for people
living on ISP accounts (and corporate world too) where root access is
restricted. Consider that Haskell is not a mainstream software like perl
or java, it is hard to ask sysadmin to put it under root.

I was exploring Haskell website and finding more and more things I
"need" to install. The time to figure out how to build each one of them
is too much (consider I am a fluent IT software builder). I am wondering
why Haskell community does not pacakge a "full package" that includes
ghc, haddock, happy, alex, darcs, cabal, etc... Things that a "typical"
developer will bump into eventually. I understand that putting two large
compilers (ghc+hugs) may take a lot space, but for smaller utilities, it
would be nice if they are included (if there is no unwelcomed "side


-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan O'Rear [mailto:stefanor at cox.net] 
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 11:04 PM
To: Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
Cc: Lihn, Steve; Haskell-Cafe Haskell-Cafe
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to thoroughly clean up Haskell stuff on

On Fri, Oct 12, 2007 at 07:31:45PM -0400, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
>> I don't think haddock "has" to depend on lamdbabot. But I saw
>> HaddockHoogle" during the build. Isn't the Hoogle thing related to
>> Lambdabot? Or they are unrelated.
> Only insofar has Lambdabot has an interface to Hoogle (which IIRC
> on Haddock knowing how to build Hoogle indexes, which is what that
> is about).  Haddock doesn't build the Hoogle stuff by default, IIRC.

Besides, "Skipping foo" is GHC-ese for "foo is already up to date, not
wasting time..."


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