[Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan... (A long speculation)
ok at cs.otago.ac.nz
Sun Oct 14 19:21:00 EDT 2007
On 11 Oct 2007, at 1:00 pm, jerzy.karczmarczuk at info.unicaen.fr wrote:
> An anonymous called ok writes:
I am not anonymous. That is my login and has been since 1979.
>> jerzy.karczmarczuk wrote [about "R"]:
>>> ... This is not a functional language.
>>> There is some laziness (which looks a bit like macro-
>>> processing), sure.
>> There is no macro processing in R (or S).
> I know I've been superficial, but, please, *try* to understand my
> point.
Before anyone can try to understand a point, it has to be made.
> There is a cheap (not always) way of making everything "lazy", by
> rewriting. If an expression is the argument of a function, what is
> passed
> is the representation of this expression. This gets evaluated in
> the context
> of the caller function, although perhaps in the environment of the
> argument
> itself, if there are external references. It is something *similar* to
> macros, and it is more or less what I understood from my - admittedly
> weak - knowledge of R, S, etc. (Frankly, I do not know them enough to
> make the difference).
> But this is not the same as the laziness - realization of the normal
> order of evaluation, call by name (need), etc.
First off, as someone who has implemented a couple of macro processors,
I completely fail to see any similarity between S/R arguments and
macro processing. YES an (expression, environment) pair is passed.
But can you try to see *my* point? HOW THE THING IS IMPLEMENTED is
completely unimportant (except that the approach S and R take makes
strictly more things possible than the approach that GHC takes).
What matters is WHAT THE BEHAVIOUR IS. And what you get is *precisely*
call by need.
> There is a difference between call by name, and by reference.
I know that; the implementors of R (one of whom I know) know that also.
The contrast is precisely a contrast against call by *reference*
because the *language* contrast that was salient for most S users was
the contrast between S and Fortran, and it is pass by reference that
Fortran has, not call by name.
> Right. But then, laziness *AND* side effects may put you in a nice
> mess...
Indeed it does. I didn't say I thought it was a *good* mix, just that
it *exists*. Now, the discussion
> began with ideas how to advertize *functional* languages, not
> packages with
> dangerous, non-formalizable semantics,
I do not know where you get the idea that S semantics is not
The principal S reference contains a meta-circular interpreter.
"Can lead the unwary into traps" is not at all the same as
"cannot be formalised".
> OF COURSE, there are untyped languages with suspended evaluation.
> Snobol had "unevaluated expressions", Icon has "co-expressions", etc.
This is once again to evade the point. (As it happens, I have, and
occasionally use, both Icon and SNOBOL. I wonder how many other SNOBOL
users remain.) In SNOBOL and Icon these things are *exceptions*; the
normal argument passing convention is otherwise. In S (and therefore
there is, as in Haskell, only ONE way to pass arguments, and that is
call by need. Call by need in R is *not* exceptional. It isn't even
just the norm. It is the *only* argument passing technique on offer.
> But
> if the merits of FL include some protection against errors, issued
> from
> enforcing a concrete programming discipline, "R" doesn't seem to me
> a good example.
I was on the R mailing list for a couple of years. What a torrent of
messages that was! Interestingly, the troubles you fear (with a mix
of imperative actions and call by need) do not seem to be troublesome
in practice. There really doesn't seem to be much if any need to
protect against *those* errors. One of the commonest mistakes is
using "&" (or "|") where "&&" (or "||") should have been used, and
this is something that a type system might have helped with. But it
is precisely a dynamically typed lazy language you were after, so "the
lack of a static type system has more to do with errors than the
possibility of mixing imperative actions with laziness" is probably
something you do not want to hear.
I wrote:
>> I don't know what co-inductive constructions are.
> OK, try to code in R the list [0,1,2,3, ...] using a co-recursive data
> definition,
You can safely assume that someone who doesn't know what co-inductive
constructions are also doesn't know what co-recursive data definitions
are. ("doesn't know" as in "is unfamiliar with the jargon", not as in
"has never met the concept".)
> in Haskell:
> integs = 0 : (ones + integs) where ones = 1 : ones
> and where (+) acts on lists element-wise.
I believe I already explained the reason that this is hard in R:
it doesn't evaluate *arguments* but it does fully evaluate *results*.
I think that's a much more insightful thing to say about R than to
go on misleadingly about macros.
Let's leave R behind.
If one wants a lazy dynamically typed programming language that
lets you construct "infinite lists" by using the basic language
mechanisms in a simple and direct way, there's always Recanati's
Lambdix, which is a lazy Lisp. I don't know whether that ever saw
serious use, but it does show that the thing can be done.
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