[Haskell-cafe] more functions to evaluate

Thomas Hartman thomas.hartman at db.com
Fri Oct 12 16:28:18 EDT 2007

how about this, for wordSize? I used quickcheck to verify that my 
wordSize2 is the same as yours.

Actually, it's not! if you allow negative integers in the list, it's not 
at any rate. ("falsifiable after 50 tries")

I haven't thought through what this means... if your function isn't quite 
right, or mine, or it doesn't really matter.

Also I would be curious to see this quickchecked but not allowing negative 
integers in the list if someone can show me how to do that.

Also, I commented out intToBinWord because intToBin isn't in prelude nor 
in any library I could track down and I'm not sure what it was supposed to 


import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Test.QuickCheck

wordSize :: [Int] -> Int
wordSize xs = head (dropWhile (<(length xs)) $ iterate (*2) 8)

wordSize2 :: [Int] -> Int
wordSize2 xs = fromJust $ find (>(length xs)) $ iterate (*2) 8

main = quickCheck $ \xs -> wordSize2 ( xs :: [Int]) == wordSize xs

intToBinWord :: Int -> [Int]
intToBinWord n = reverse (take elements (xs ++ repeat 0))
  xs = reverse (intToBin n)
  elements = wordSize xs

PR Stanley <prstanley at ntlworld.com> 
Sent by: haskell-cafe-bounces at haskell.org
10/12/2007 03:10 PM

haskell-cafe at haskell.org

[Haskell-cafe] more functions to evaluate

Hi folks
Any comments and/or criticisms no matter how trivial on the following 

                 wordSize :: [Int] -> Int
                 wordSize xs = head (dropWhile (<(length xs)) $ iterate 
(*2) 8)

                 intToBinWord :: Int -> [Int]
                 intToBinWord n = reverse (take elements (xs ++ repeat 0))
                   xs = reverse (intToBin n)
                   elements = wordSize xs

Thanks, Paul

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