[Haskell-cafe] Re: Data types, opengl display loop and readIORef/writeIORef

apfelmus apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Mon Oct 8 11:41:12 EDT 2007

bbrown wrote:
> This is more an aesthetics question, I have a simple opengl application that 
> has a singleton like object I need to pass around to the display loop and 
> possibly to the keyboard action handler. (pseudo code)
> data SimpleMech = SimpleMech {
>       mechPos         :: !MVector,
>       mechRot         :: !MVector
>     } deriving (Read)
> mainMech = initMech (0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 0)
> mainMechRef <- newIORef(mainMech)
> displayCallback $= displayGameLoop mainMechRef
> rotateMech :: (Double, SimpleMech) -> SimpleMech
> rotateMech (angle, mech) =
>   -- Calculate a new rotation
>   let (xrot,yrot,zrot) = (mechRot mech)
>       newyrot = newyrot + angle

That should be
         newyrot = yrot + angle

>   in SimpleMech { mechRot = (xrot, newyrot, zrot),
>                   mechPos = (mechPos mech) }
> displayGameLoop mechRef = do
> mech <- get mechRef
> mechRef $= (rotateMech (0.1, mech))
> ....
> ....
> For some reason in that code above, the "mechRef" doesnt update the value I 
> want to change.  It is like I am getting an instance of the initial valyue 
> back.  Also, when I use writeIORef, eg writeIORef mechRef  (rotateMech (0.1, 
> mech)
> I get stack overflow exceptions.

The bug above is probably responsible for both the stack overflows with 
writeIORef and for a $= that doesn't update (it wants to update, but the 
program is trapped in an infinite loop).

Btw, you don't need parenthesis about function applications, you can use 
record update syntax and functions with several arguments are usually 
written in curried form:

       -- Calculate a new rotation
   rotateMech :: Double -> SimpleMech -> SimpleMech
   rotateMech angle mech =
      mech { mechRot = (xrot, yrot + angle, zrot) }
         (xrot,yrot,zrot) = mechRot mech

   mainMech = initMech (0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 0)

   main = do
      mainMechRef <- newIORef mainMech
      displayCallback $= displayGameLoop mainMechRef

   displayGameLoop mechRef = do
      mech <- get mechRef
      mechRef $= rotateMech 0.1 mech

The latter can also be written as

   displayGameLoop mechRef = do
      mechRef $~ rotateMech 0.1


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