[Haskell-cafe] Puzzled

Chaddaï Fouché chaddai.fouche at gmail.com
Sat Oct 6 05:14:22 EDT 2007

2007/10/6, Peter Verswyvelen <bf3 at telenet.be>:
>  But great to know about the new strictness on vars! I really should get GHC
> 6.8 RC1 for Windows...

Just in case you misunderstood : this functionality was already there
in GHC 6.4, it's just the new syntax to active it that is available
only in recent versions of GHC : this new syntax will hopefully be
adopted by others Haskell compilers and thus become a
compiler-agnostic way of specifying extensions to Haskell98 (so that
others compiler than GHC can tell you why they won't compile this
wonderful code that use all the latest extensions that have been
included into your release candidate of GHC, much better than the old
way where they just told you the syntax was wrong, isn't it ?).


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