[Haskell-cafe] Re: bizarre memory usage with data.binary
Anatoly Yakovenko
aeyakovenko at gmail.com
Tue Oct 2 20:32:05 EDT 2007
On 10/2/07, Don Stewart <dons at galois.com> wrote:
> aeyakovenko:
> > Program1:
> >
> > module Main where
> >
> > import Data.Binary
> > import Data.List(foldl')
> >
> >
> > main = do
> > let sum' = foldl' (+) 0
> > let list::[Int] = decode $ encode $ ([1..] :: [Int])
> > print $ sum' list
> > print "done"
> The encode instance for lists is fairly strict:
> instance Binary a => Binary [a] where
> put l = put (length l) >> mapM_ put l
> get = do n <- get :: Get Int
> replicateM n get
> This is ok, since typically you aren't serialising infinite structures.
hmm, this doesn't make sense to me, it goes up to 500M then down then
back up, then back down, so it doesn't just run out of memory because
of (length l) forces you to evaluate the entire list.
> Use a newtype, and a lazier instance, if you need to do this.
Thanks for the tip. this runs at a constant 4M
module Main where
import Data.Binary
import Data.List(foldl')
data Foo = Foo Int Foo | Null
instance Binary Foo where
put (Foo i f) = do put (0 :: Word8)
put i
put f
put (Null) = do put (1 :: Word8)
get = do t <- get :: Get Word8
case t of
0 -> do i <- get
f <- get
return (Foo i f)
1 -> do return Null
sumFoo zz (Null) = zz
sumFoo zz (Foo ii ff) = sumFoo (zz + ii) ff
fooBar i = Foo i (fooBar (i + 1))
main = do
print $ sumFoo 0 $ decode $ encode $ fooBar 1
print "done"
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