[Haskell-cafe] Hit a wall with the type system
Dan Weston
westondan at imageworks.com
Thu Nov 29 19:25:43 EST 2007
I must be missing something, because to me the contract seems to be much
simpler to express (than the Functor + Isomorphism route you seem to me
to be heading towards):
diff :: (Eq x,
Dense x,
Subtractible x,
Subtractible y,
Divisible y x yOverX) => (x -> y) -> x -> yOverX
class Dense a where addEpsilon :: a -> a
class Subtractible a where takeAway :: a -> a -> a
class Divisible a b c | a b -> c
where divide :: a -> b -> c
Then diff is just:
diff f a = if dx == dx' then error "Zero denom" else dydx
where a' = addEpsilon a
dx = a' `takeAway` a
dx' = a `takeAway` a'
dy = f a' `takeAway` f a
dydx = dy `divide` dx
With the instances:
instance Dense Double where addEpsilon x = x * 1.0000001 + 1.0e-10
instance Dense Int where addEpsilon x = x + 1
instance Subtractible Double where takeAway x y = x - y
instance Subtractible Int where takeAway x y = x - y
instance Divisible Double Double Double where divide x y = x / y
instance Divisible Int Int Int where divide x y = x `div` y
and throwing in {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}, I get:
*Diff> diff sin (0.0::Double)
*Diff> diff (\x -> x*7+5) (4::Int)
Dan Weston
Chris Smith wrote:
> Hi Dan, thanks for answering.
> Dan Piponi wrote:
>> When you specify that a function has type a -> b, you're entering into
>> a bargain. You're saying that whatever object of type a you pass in,
>> you'll get a type b object back. "a -> b" is a statement of that
>> contract.
> Sure, that much makes perfect sense, and we agree on it.
>> Now your automatic differentiation code can't differentiate
>> any old function. It can only differentiate functions built out of the
>> finite set of primitives you've implemented (and other "polymorphic
>> enough" functions).
> Sure. To be more specific, here's the contract I would really like.
> 1. You need to pass in a polymorphic function a -> a, where a is, at
> *most*, restricted to being an instance of Floating. This part I can
> already express via rank-N types. For example, the diffFloating
> function in my original post enforces this part of the contract.
> 2. I can give you back the derivative, of any type b -> b, so long as b
> is an instance of Num, and b can be generalized to the type a from
> condition 1. It's that last part that I can't seem to express, without
> introducing this meaningless type called AD.
> There need be no type called AD involved in this contract at all.
> Indeed, the only role that AD plays in this whole exercise is to be an
> artifact of the implementation I've chosen. I could change my
> implementation; I could use Jerzy's implementation with a lazy infinite
> list of nth-order derivatives... or perhaps I could implement all the
> operations of Floating and its superclasses as data constructors, get
> back an expression tree, and launch Mathematica via unsafePerformIO to
> calculate its derivative symbolically, and then return a function that
> interprets the result. And who knows what other implementations I can
> come up with? In other words, the type AD is not actually related to
> the task at hand.
> [...]
>> Luckily, there's a nice way to
>> express this. We can just say diff :: (AD a -> AD a) -> a -> a. So AD
>> needs to be exported. It's an essential part of the language for
>> expressing your bargain, and I think it *is* the Right Answer, and an
>> elegant and compact way to express a difficult contract.
> Really? If you really mean you think it's the right answer, then I'll
> have to back up and try to understand how. It seems pretty clear to me
> that it breaks abstraction in a way that is really rather dangerous.
> If you mean you think it's good enough, then yes, I pretty much have
> conluded it's at least the best that's going to happen; I'm just not
> entirely comfortable with it.
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