[Haskell-cafe] Hit a wall with the type system
Chris Smith
cdsmith at twu.net
Wed Nov 28 23:02:20 EST 2007
I was talking to a few people about this on #haskell, and it was
suggested I ask here. I should say that I'm playing around here; don't
mistake this for an urgent request or a serious problem.
Suppose I wanted to implement automatic differentiation of simple
functions on real numbers; then I'd take the operations from Num,
Fractional, and Floating, and define how to perform them on pairs of
values and their differentials, and then I'd write a differentiate
function... but finding an appropriate type for that function seems to
be a challenge.
We have:
1. Differentiating a function of the most general type (Num a => a -> a)
should produce a result of type (Num a => a -> a).
2. Differentiating a function of the more specific type (Fractional a =>
a -> a) should produce a result of that type (Fractional a => a -> a).
3. Differentiating a function of the most specific type (Floating a => a
-> a) should produce a result of type (Floating a => a -> a).
4. BUT, differentiating a function which is of a more specific type than
(Floating a => a -> a) is not, in general, possible.
So differentiate should have type A a => (forall b. A b => b -> b) -> a
-> a, but ONLY if the type class A is a superclass of Floating.
Two partial solutions are: I can just define the differentiate function
for Floating; but that means if I differentiate (\x -> x + 1), the
result is a function only on floating point numbers, which is less than
desirable. Or, I can define several functions: say, diffNum,
diffFractional, and diffFloating... all of which have precisely the same
implementation, but different types and require copy/paste to make them
Any thoughts?
For reference, here's the code I kludged together. (Again, I'm only
playing around... so I wrote this very quickly and may have gotten some
things wrong; don't use my code without checking it first! In
particular, I know that this code produces derivative functions whose
domain is too large.)
> data AD a = AD a a deriving Eq
> instance Show a => Show (AD a) where
> show (AD x e) = show x ++ " + " ++ show e ++ " eps"
> instance Num a => Num (AD a) where
> (AD x e) + (AD y f) = AD (x + y) (e + f)
> (AD x e) - (AD y f) = AD (x - y) (e - f)
> (AD x e) * (AD y f) = AD (x * y) (e * y + x * f)
> negate (AD x e) = AD (negate x) (negate e)
> abs (AD 0 _) = error "not differentiable: |0|"
> abs (AD x e) = AD (abs x) (e * signum x)
> signum (AD 0 e) = error "not differentiable: signum(0)"
> signum (AD x e) = AD (signum x) 0
> fromInteger i = AD (fromInteger i) 0
> instance Fractional a => Fractional (AD a) where
> (AD x e) / (AD y f) = AD (x / y) ((e * y - x * f) / (y * y))
> recip (AD x e) = AD (1 / x) ((-e) / (x * x))
> fromRational x = AD (fromRational x) 0
> instance Floating a => Floating (AD a) where
> pi = AD pi 0
> exp (AD x e) = AD (exp x) (e * exp x)
> sqrt (AD x e) = AD (sqrt x) (e / (2 * sqrt x))
> log (AD x e) = AD (log x) (e / x)
> (AD x e) ** (AD y f) = AD (x ** y) (e * y * (x ** (y-1)) +
> f * (x ** y) * log x)
> sin (AD x e) = AD (sin x) (e * cos x)
> cos (AD x e) = AD (cos x) (-e * sin x)
> asin (AD x e) = AD (asin x) (e / sqrt (1 - x ** 2))
> acos (AD x e) = AD (acos x) (-e / sqrt (1 - x ** 2))
> atan (AD x e) = AD (atan x) (e / (1 + x ** 2))
> sinh (AD x e) = AD (sinh x) (e * cosh x)
> cosh (AD x e) = AD (cosh x) (e * sinh x)
> asinh (AD x e) = AD (asinh x) (e / sqrt (x^2 + 1))
> acosh (AD x e) = AD (acosh x) (e / sqrt (x^2 - 1))
> atanh (AD x e) = AD (atanh x) (e / (1 - x^2))
> diffNum :: Num b => (forall a. Num a => a -> a) -> b -> b
> diffFractional :: Fractional b => (forall a. Fractional a => a -> a) -> b -> b
> diffFloating :: Floating b => (forall a. Floating a => a -> a) -> b -> b
> diffNum f x = let AD y dy = f (AD x 1) in dy
> diffFractional f x = let AD y dy = f (AD x 1) in dy
> diffFloating f x = let AD y dy = f (AD x 1) in dy
Chris Smith
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