[Haskell-cafe] nbody (my own attempt) and performance problems

Dan Weston westondan at imageworks.com
Wed Nov 28 14:18:18 EST 2007

Just out of curiosity...

> --some getter functions
> pVel !(_,vel,_) = vel
> pPos !(pos,_,_) = pos
> pMass !(!_,!_,!mass) = mass

What does the !(...) buy you? I thought tuples were already strict by 
default in patterns (you'd need ~(...) to make them irrefutable), so 
isn't the above equivalent to:

--some getter functions
pVel  (_,vel,_) = vel
pPos  (pos,_,_) = pos
pMass (!_,!_,!mass) = mass

And why in any case are the tuple components for pMass strict but for 
pVel and pPos non-strict? Is is that mass is always used but position 
and velocity are not?

Ryan Dickie wrote:
> I sat down tonight and did tons of good learning (which was my goal). 
> Yes, the variable names in the unrolling is a little "ugly" but it helps 
> to read the C++ version for context. There are two for loops (advN is 
> each inner one unrolled). the other function names match the C++ 
> version.  It was my goal to implement an unrolled version of that.
> Fortunately, my performance is excellent now. It is only 4x slower than 
> the C++ version and 2x slower than the Haskell one listed (which uses 
> pointer trickery). I am sure there could be more done but I am at my 
> limit of comprehension. But if I may guess, I would say that any speed 
> issues now are related to a lack of in place updating for variables and 
> structures.
> I'd also like to thank everyone for their help so far. I have attached 
> my latest version.
> --ryan
> On Nov 27, 2007 7:14 PM, Sterling Clover < s.clover at gmail.com 
> <mailto:s.clover at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     The first step would be profiling -- i.e. compiling with -prof -auto-
>     all to tag each function as a cost center, then running with +RTS -p
>     to generate a cost profile. The problem here is you've got massive
>     amounts of unrolling done already, so it's sort of hard to figure out
>     what's doing  what, and the names you've given the unrolled functions
>     are... less than helpful. (first rule of optimization: optimize
>     later.)  The use of tuples shouldn't be a problem per se in terms of
>     performance, but it really hurts readability to lack clear type
>     signatures and types. You'd probably be better off constructing a
>     vector data type as does the current Haskell entry -- and by forcing
>     it to be strict and unboxed (you have nearly no strictness
>     annotations I note -- and recall that $! only evaluates its argument
>     to weak head normal form, which means that you're just checking if
>     the top-level constructor is _|_) you'll probably get better
>     performance to boot. In any case, declaring type aliases for the
>     various units you're using would also help readability quite a bit.
>     --S
>     On Nov 27, 2007, at 5:41 PM, Ryan Dickie wrote:
>      > I thought it would be a nice exercise (and a good learning
>      > experience) to try and solve the nbody problem from the debian
>      > language shootout. Unfortunately, my code sucks. There is a massive
>      > space leak and performance is even worse. On the bright side, my
>      > implementation is purely functional. My twist: I manually unrolled
>      > a few loops from the C++ version.
>      >
>      > I believe that most of my performance problems stem from my abuse
>      > of tuple. The bodies are passed as a tuple of planets, a planet is
>      > a tuple of (position, velocity, mass) and the vectors position and
>      > velocity are also tuples of type double. My lame justification for
>      > that is to make it nice and handy to pass data around.
>      >
>      > Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
>      >
>      > --ryan
>      > <nbody3.hs>
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