[Haskell-cafe] A tale of three shootout entries

Sterling Clover s.clover at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 22:51:26 EST 2007

I tried the same thing on my box, and indeed the version that isn't  
strict in the rand function outperforms the original by a fair  
margin, and seems to do slightly better than my own as well. Killing  
the bangs in the unroll function also seems to help (especially that  
in (s!, Just r')). Why this is is slightly beyond me at the moment.  
Killing the bang before the b in the choose function also adds a  
speedup, which makes perfect sense, as there's no reason to force  
strictness on an argument you're throwing away a good span of the  
time. The bang before the k in the look function should stay -- in  
fact, it seems the appropriate place to force the evaluation that we  
were forcing too early in some of the other functions. Ditto the bang  
before the g in unfold. As for the bangs in writeFasta, better to  
leave them be and not risk messing things up, since, as is, the  
writeFasta function uses nearly no cycles compared to random generation.

At this point, given that lazier random generation seems to be  
better, using unboxed types for this seems a losing idea, as they'd  
force strictness all over again, so that's not worth trying to salvage.

I'm still curious if the pre-calculation of partial sums that I did  
works well across processors, as I don't see why it shouldn't. My  
less-strictified version of Don's code is attached, and below are the  
functions you'll need to insert/replace to make the partial-sums  
optimization work.


P.S., if you're running on a unix, I find it much more convenient to  
use the time program rather than rolling timing into my own code. I  
tested this program using, for example > time ./fastaRefUnStrict  
250000 | tail

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Code for partial sums:

choose :: [(Word8,Float)] -> Float -> Word8
choose [(b,_)]       _ = b
choose ((b,f):xs) p = if p < f then b else choose xs p

makeCumul :: [(Word8,Float)]->[(Word8,Float)]
makeCumul freqMap = tail . reverse . foldl' fm [(undefined,0)] $ freqMap
     where fm acc@((_,ct):rst) (w,f) = (w,ct + f) : acc

iubs :: [(Word8,Float)]
iubs = makeCumul $ map (first c2w)

homs :: [(Word8,Float)]
homs = makeCumul $ map (first c2w)

On Nov 27, 2007, at 2:09 PM, Richard Kelsall wrote:

> Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
>> | Something I found with Dons version on my machine was that if I  
>> removed
>> | all the exclamation marks and the -fbang-patterns bit at the top  
>> it went
>> | about 20% faster as well as being much cleaner code, but with my  
>> very
>> | rudimentary understanding of Haskell I wasn't entirely sure it  
>> would
>> | produce the same results if I did this and didn't get round to  
>> checking.
>> If, after investigation (and perhaps checking with Don) you find  
>> that adding bangs makes your program go slower, even though the  
>> function is in fact strict (otherwise it might go slower because  
>> it's just doing more work!) then I'd love to see a test case.
> Sorry, I don't understand the code, I've jumped in the deep-end before
> learning to swim, but I can now tell you it's producing the same  
> results
> when I remove some of the exclamation marks. I've checked with an  
> MD5 on
> the output.
> The timings in seconds for 10,000,000 iterations averaged over 5 runs.
> (There was quite a bit of variation.) Compiled with GHC 6.6.1. (I got
> stuck compiling it under 6.8) The fancy compile options are from the
> shootout page.
> Dons original program      13.26    compiled ghc --make
> Dons original program      12.54    compiled with -O -fglasgow-exts
>                                        -optc-mfpmath=sse -optc-msse2
>                                        -optc-march=pentium4
> Removed 3 bangs from rand  11.47    compiled ghc --make
> Removed 3 bangs from rand  11.57    compiled with -O -fglasgow-exts
>                                        -optc-mfpmath=sse -optc-msse2
>                                        -optc-march=pentium4
> The code below is Dons program from
> http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/gp4/benchmark.php? 
> test=fasta&lang=ghc&id=0
> with a timing function added by me. The rand function is where I  
> removed
> three exclamation marks to make the program faster. Previously I  
> removed
> different combinations of bangs. Some bangs seem to make it faster and
> some seem to make it slower.
> Richard.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> {-# OPTIONS -O2 -optc-O2 -optc-ffast-math -fbang-patterns -fexcess- 
> precision #-}
> --
> -- The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
> -- http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/
> --
> -- Contributed by Don Stewart
> -- A lazy bytestring solution.
> --
> -- Add:
> -- -optc-mfpmath=sse -optc-msse2
> --
> import System
> import Data.Word
> import Control.Arrow
> import Text.Printf     -- RK added.
> import System.CPUTime  -- RK added.
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C (pack,unfoldr)
> import qualified Data.ByteString as S
> import Data.ByteString.Base
> -- RK added this time function.
> time :: IO t -> IO t
> time a = do
>     start <- getCPUTime
>     v <- a
>     end   <- getCPUTime
>     let diff = (fromIntegral (end - start)) / (10 ^12)
>     printf "Calc time %0.3f \n" (diff :: Double)
>     return v
> main = do         -- RK modified main to time the computation.
>     time $ comp   -- RK mod.
> comp :: IO Int    -- RK mod.
> comp = do         -- RK mod. This was Dons main. I just renamed to  
> comp.
>     n <- getArgs >>= readIO . head
>     writeFasta  "ONE"   "Homo sapiens alu"       (n*2) (L.cycle alu)
>     g <- unfold "TWO"   "IUB ambiguity codes"    (n*3) (look iubs) 42
>     unfold      "THREE" "Homo sapiens frequency" (n*5) (look homs) g
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> --
> --
> -- lazily unfold the randomised dna sequences
> --
> unfold l t n f !g = putStrLn (">" ++ l ++ " " ++ t) >> unroll f g n
> unroll :: (Int -> (Word8, Int)) -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
> unroll f = loop
>     where
>         loop r 0   = return r
>         loop !r !i = case S.unfoldrN m (Just . f) r of
>                         (!s, Just r') -> do
>                             S.putStrLn s
>                             loop r' (i-m)
>           where m = min i 60
> look ds !k = let (d,j) = rand k in (choose ds d, j)
> choose :: [(Word8,Float)] -> Float -> Word8
> choose [(b,_)]       _ = b
> choose ((!b,!f):xs) !p = if p < f then b else choose xs (p-f)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> --
> --
> -- only demand as much of the infinite sequence as we require
> writeFasta label title n s = do
>      putStrLn $ ">" ++ label ++ " " ++ title
>      let (t:ts) = L.toChunks s
>      go ts t n
>   where
>      go ss !s !n
>         | l60 && n60 = S.putStrLn l               >> go ss        r  
> (n-60)
>         |        n60 = S.putStr s >> S.putStrLn a >> go (tail ss) b  
> (n-60)
>         | n <= ln    = S.putStrLn (S.take n s)
>         | otherwise  = S.putStr s >> S.putStrLn (S.take (n-ln)  
> (head ss))
>         where
>             !ln   = S.length s
>             !l60  = ln >= 60
>             !n60  = n  >= 60
>             (l,r) = S.splitAt 60 s
>             (a,b) = S.splitAt (60-ln) (head ss)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> --
> im  = 139968
> ia  = 3877
> ic  = 29573
> rand :: Int -> (Float, Int)
> rand seed = (newran,newseed)                 -- RK modified. Was !seed
>     where
>         newseed = (seed * ia + ic) `rem` im  -- RK mod. Was !newseed
>         newran  =  1.0 * fromIntegral newseed / imd  -- RK. Was ! 
> newran
>         imd      = fromIntegral im
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> --
> alu = C.pack
> iubs = map (c2w *** id)
>         [('a',0.27),('c',0.12),('g',0.12),('t',0.27),('B',0.02)
>         ,('D',0.02),('H',0.02),('K',0.02),('M',0.02),('N',0.02)
>         ,('R',0.02),('S',0.02),('V',0.02),('W',0.02),('Y',0.02)]
> homs = map (c2w *** id)
>         [('a',0.3029549426680),('c',0.1979883004921)
>         ,('g',0.1975473066391),('t',0.3015094502008)]
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