[Haskell-cafe] A tale of Project Euler

Andrew Coppin andrewcoppin at btinternet.com
Tue Nov 27 14:34:56 EST 2007

Hi guys.

Somebody just introduced me to a thing called "Project Euler". I gather 
it's well known around here...

Anyway, I was a little bit concerned about problem #7. The problem is 
basically "figure out what the 10,001st prime number is". Consider the 
following two programs for solving this:

First, somebody else wrote this in C:

int n = 2 , m , primesFound = 0;

for( n=0;n < MAX_NUMBERS;n++ )
if( prime[n] )

 if( primesFound == 10001 )
   cout << n << " is the 10001st prime." << endl;


Second, my implementation in Haskell:

primes :: [Integer]
primes = seive [2..]
      seive (p:xs) = p : seive (filter (\x -> x `mod` p > 0) xs)

main = print (primes !! 10000)

Well, we know who's winning the beauty contest. But here's the worrying 

  C program: 0.016 seconds
  Haskell program: 41 seconds

Eeeps! o_O That's Not Good(tm).

Replacing "primes :: [Integer]" with "primes :: [Word32]" speeds the 
Haskell version up to 18 seconds, which is much faster but still a joke 
compared to C.

Running the Haskell code on a 2.2 GHz AMD Athlon64 X2 instead of a 1.5 
GHz AMD Athlon drops the execution time down to 3 seconds. (So clearly 
the box I was using in my lunch break at work is *seriously* slow... 
presumably the PC running the C code isn't.)

So, now I have a Haskell version that's "only" several hundred times 
slower. Neither program is especially optimised, yet the C version is 
drastically faster. This makes me sad. :-(

By the way... I tried using Data.List.Stream instead. This made the 
program about 40% slower. I also tried both -fasm and -fvia-c. The 
difference was statistically insignificant. (Hey guys, nice work on the 
native codegen!) The difference in compilation speed was fairly drastic 
though, needless to say. (The machine is kinda low on RAM, so trying to 
call GCC makes it thrash like hell. So does linking, actually...)

Also, I'm stuck with problem #10. (Find the sum of all primes less than 
1 million.) I've let the program run for well over 15 minutes, and still 
no answer is forthcomming. It's implemented using the same primes 
function as above, with a simple filter and sum. (The type has to be 
changed to [Word64] to avoid overflowing the result though.) The other 
guy claims to have a C solution that takes 12 ms. There's a hell of a 
difference between 12 ms and over half an hour...(!) Clearly something 
is horribly wrong here. Uh... help?

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