[Haskell-cafe] Re: is there a more concise way to generate helper functions for a datatype built on records?

apfelmus apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Mon Nov 26 10:03:13 EST 2007

Benedikt Huber wrote:
>  > type Upd a = a -> a
>  > data Ref cx t
>  > = Ref { select :: cx -> t , update :: Upd t -> Upd cx }

Functional references are also called "lens", I'm going to use that term 
from now on.

As a minor note, I somehow prefer a single primitive

   data Lens s a = Lens { focus :: s -> (a, a -> s) }

   put :: Lens s a -> a -> s -> s
   put x = flip $ snd . focus x

   get :: Lens s a -> s -> a
   get x = fst . focus x

   update :: Lens s a -> (a -> a) -> (s -> s)
   update x f s = let (a,g) = focus x s in g (f a)

> So, the Ref deriviation is really nice for sequential updates;
> parallel updates on the other hand need some work.
> Furthermore, I don't really know how well Refs work if updates
> need information on other parts of the state without modifying it.
> (e.g. the AI player needs to know where the ball is, but does not modify 
> the ball).

It's just a question of the right combinators, I hope? For sequential 
composition, lenses are morphisms of a category

   class Category c where
     id  :: c a a
     (.) :: c b d -> c a b -> c a d

   instance Category Lens where
     id    = Lens $ \a -> (a, id)
     y . x = Lens $ \a ->
             let (b,f) = focus x a; (c,g) = focus y b; in (c,g . f)

For parallel composition, we have stuff corresponding to arrow functions 

   fst  :: Lens (a,b) a
   fst  = Lens $ \(a,b) -> (a, \a' -> (a',b))

   swap :: Lens (a,b) (b,a)
   swap = Lens $ \(a,b) -> ((b,a),\(b',a') -> (a',b'))

   snd  :: Lens (a,b) b
   snd  = fst . swap

   first  :: Lens a b -> Lens (a,c) (b,c)
   first  x = Lens $ \(a,c) ->
             let (b,f) = focus x a in (b,\b' -> (f b',c))

   second :: Lens a b -> Lens (c,a) (c,b)
   second x = swap . first x . swap

Then, there's also

   (***)  :: Lens a b -> Lens c d -> Lens (a,c) (b,d)
   x *** y = second y . first x

but this is symmetric in x and y, the order matters.

For a class hierarchy proposal, see


but I think it needs further research, i.e. concerning whether the 
interface is minimal or corresponds to well-known categories.

> To get it *actually* work in parallel we have to create a new reference for both players:
>> refPlayers :: Ref Game (Player,Player)
>> refPlayers = Ref { select = select refP1 &&& select refP2,
>>                    update = \pu g -> let (p1',p2') =
>                               pu (p1 g, p2 g) in g { p1 = p1', p2 = p2' } }
> While the select part of the Ref is expressed using &&&, I don't know how the
> parallel update can be expressed in terms of combinators. Any hints ? 

You can't do that, and for good reason! While

   players :: Lens Game (Player,Player)

is entirely fine since  Game ~ (Player,Player,Object2D), there cannot be 
a general parallel combinator

   (&&&) :: Lens a b -> Lens a c -> Lens a (b,c)

with for example

   players = player1 &&& player2

That's because the two arguments might not be parallel at all. For 
instance, consider

   dup :: Lens a (a,a)
   dup = id &&& id

Which component of the pair should

   put dup :: a -> (a,a) -> (a,a)

change? The first, the second, or even both?


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