[Haskell-cafe] expanded standard lib

Ketil Malde ketil+haskell at ii.uib.no
Tue Nov 20 10:00:02 EST 2007

Thomas Schilling <nominolo at googlemail.com> writes:

>> I would advocate using a comment system that is similar to the one
>> at http://djangobook.com/. 

> I'm pretty sure Brian O'Sullivan has written a Haskell implementation of
> this for the Real World Haskell book.

While the technology is there (or will be), I worry if this is the
right solution for something else than soliciting comments on a
(fixed, non-editable) text.

I can all to easily imagine a situation where any documentation is
riddled with a plethora of notes, questions, answers, comments etc,
with nobody to clean up the mess every now and then.  For user-edited
documentation, a wiki seems a much better fit - where each author 
make some effort to leave pages as self-contained consistent

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

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