[Haskell-cafe] dropSpace not exported in ByteString

Olivier Boudry olivier.boudry at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 09:38:50 EST 2007

On 11/16/07, Duncan Coutts <duncan.coutts at worc.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-11-15 at 21:55 -0500, Olivier Boudry wrote:
> > By the way, what's the reason dropSpaceEnd is defined but not exported
> > nor used through a rule? I'm just curious.
> We decided when trying to standardise the API to start with just the
> equivalents of the Data.List functions. We have tracked changes to
> Data.List, adding intercalate and isInfixOf.
> If there is a compelling reason to add dropSpaceEnd to the
> Data.ByteString API then the same would probably apply to Data.List and
> so it should be proposed for there and then Data.ByteString will track
> it too.
> Alternatively, someone should make the case for why it should be added
> to bytestring but not list. There is probably room for more string
> oriented list functions in some library somewhere (especially crazy
> Unicode stuff), like Data.String.
> Duncan

I understand the need for standardization. Having consistent functions
across modules is something I really appreciate in Haskell.

Thanks for the information,

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