[Haskell-cafe] why PArr slower than list ?

Albert Lee hanzhupeng at gmail.com
Wed Nov 14 21:50:33 EST 2007

I read the GHC/Data Parallel Haskell/GHC.PArr page

and make a simple test to compare the speed of PArr against List:

{-# OPTIONS -fparr -fglasgow-exts #-}
module Main where
import GHC.PArr
import System.CPUTime

dotp :: Num a => [:a:] -> [:a:] -> a
dotp xs ys = sumP [:x * y | x <- xs | y <- ys:]

main = do
  t1 <- getCPUTime
  print $ sum [x*y|x<-[1..90000]|y<-[1..90000]]
  t2 <- getCPUTime
  print $ dotp [:1..90000:] [:1..90000:]
  t3 <- getCPUTime
  print $ t2 - t1
  print $ t3 - t2

and I get the result:

*Main> main

My laptop is macbook macosx 10.4.8 and ghc-6.8 , anything wrong or I missed ?

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