[Haskell-cafe] Memory Leak Help
J. Garrett Morris
trevion at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 00:27:57 EST 2007
I have code which seems to contain a memory leak, but I'm not sure
where it is or what's causing it. Any help would be greatly
The code is:
data Ratings = Ratings { movieCount :: Int
, movieLookup :: IOUArray Int Word32
, movieRatings :: IOUArray Word32 Word32 }
readRatingsFromText :: Int -> Int -> C.ByteString -> IO Ratings
readRatingsFromText movieCount ratingCount text =
do movieLookup <- newArray_ (0, movieCount - 1)
movieRatings <- newArray_ (0, fromIntegral ratingCount - 1)
iter movieLookup movieRatings 0 (C.lines text)
return (Ratings movieCount movieLookup movieRatings)
where iter :: IOUArray Int Word32 -> IOUArray Word32 Word32 ->
Word32 -> [C.ByteString] -> IO ()
iter !movieLookup !movieRatings !i [] = return ()
iter !movieLookup !movieRatings !i (s:ss)
| c == ':' = do writeArray movieLookup movie i
iter movieLookup movieRatings i ss
| otherwise = do writeArray movieRatings i rating -- ***
iter movieLookup movieRatings (i + 1) ss
where Just (x, rest) = C.readInt s
c = C.head rest
Just (y, _) = C.readInt (C.tail rest)
movie = x - 1
rating = fromIntegral x `shiftL` 3 .|.
fromIntegral y :: Word32
main = do args <- getArgs
ratings <- readRatingsFromText (read $ args !! 0) (read $
args !! 1) =<< B.readFile (args !! 2)
return ()
This attempts to read a file that looks like:
possibly with additional junk at the end of each line into an array.
When I run this, memory usage grows without bound.
If I comment out the line with -- ***, the memory profile is flat.
Without storing the ratings, it's not fantastically useful; however,
it does demonstrate that it should be possible to iterate through the
file with a flat memory profile (which is my goal).
I'm compiling with ghc --make -O2
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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he acted as if he did, anxious as he was to preserve good relations at
all times. One never knew, after all, now did one now did one now did
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